Event management and ticketing service Eventbrite has shut down an event organized by the group Women for America First in support of President Donald Trump. Despite Eventbrite’s blacklisting of the March for Trump, the Women for America First Group remains defiant and says the march will happen on Saturday as planned.

Ticketing service Eventbrite has reportedly canceled an event organized by the pro-Trump group Women for America First. The event, titled “March For Trump,” was allegedly banned by Eventbrite for violating the site’s terms of service.

PR strategist Chris Barron posted a screenshot of an email that Women For America First received from Eventbrite informing them that the event was canceled, the email can be seen below:

Supporters of the group tweeted that they planned to no longer financially support Eventbrite as a result of the event cancelation:

The Group posted a request for donations after Eventbrite blacklisted the event. According to the group’s donation page, it plans to move forward with the event on November 14 in Washington DC.

Breitbart News reached out to Eventbrite for further clarification on the event cancelation and which terms of service the event violated. Eventbrite has not responded at the time of the writing of this article.

Breitbart News recently reported that multiple tech farms are increasing their censorship and moderation as many media firms announce Joe Biden as the next president. Breitbart News reported that tech giant Facebook has announced plans to prevent the spread of what it considers misinformation within the groups on its platform. Facebook will now put certain Facebook Groups in “probation” periods of 60 days. During this timeframe, all posts in the groups must be manually approved by a group administrator or moderator in an attempt to have them take responsibility for the content posted in the groups.

Read more at Breitbart News here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com