Cornell University Law School Professor and owner of the Legal Insurrection blog William A. Jacobson claims that university alumni and faculty are mounting a campaign to have him fired over his recent criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Cornell Professor William A. Jacobson published a column on his website, Legal Insurrection, on Thursday in which he announced that university alumni are mounting a campaign to have him fired over his views on the Black Lives Matter movement.
“There is an effort underway to get me fired at Cornell Law School, where I’ve worked since November 2007, or if not fired, at least denounced publicly by the school,” Jacobson wrote.
After Legal Insurrection published two columns at the beginning of June that criticized the Black Lives Matter movement, 15 Cornell Law School alumni sent messages that urged officials to chastise or terminate Jacobson.
From Saturday, June 6, through Monday, June 8, over 15 emails from CLS alumni were received by the Dean of the law school, demanding that action be taken against me ranging from an institutional statement denouncing me to firing. I don’t know whether and to what extent that number has increased since Monday. The Dean properly has defended my writings as protected within my academic freedom, although he strongly disagrees with my views.
Cornell Law School officials shared one of the emails they received with Jacobson. The allegedly accused Jacobson of being “hurtful and divisive” with Legal Insurrection’s content and of failing to agree with the university’s stance on police brutality.
Only one of the emails was shared with me, with names removed, on the condition that I not post it or quote from it. I am permitted to characterize the complaint: My views are not consistent with the law school Dean’s public statement on police violence and my writings were hurtful and divisive, and the person could not understand why I am still on the faculty.
On June 9, several faculty members from Cornell Law School submitted a Letter to the Editor in the Cornell Sun that condemned “racism masquerading as informed commentary.” Although he is not mentioned explicitly, Jacobson believes that the letter was written in response to columns published at Legal Insurrection.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.