Pro-Trump Tech Entrepreneur Produces ‘Made-in-America’ Masks

Made in America mask
Republican Legion

Rich Granville, the founder of the alternative search engine Yippy, and both a supporter of President Donald Trump and a critic of big tech companies like Google and Facebook, is funding the production of custom, made-in-America face masks to help with the Chinese virus pandemic.

Granville, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, said he was spurred to action by the national crisis, and President Trump’s call for the private sector to shift production.

“With all the issues with China and our desire to help American families, businesses, and government agencies around the nation we felt we had to do something,” stated Granville.

“We heard President Trump loud and clear and our team jumped into gear flying around the USA during the pandemic to engage with U.S. factories for the patriotic purpose of making masks for America.”

“God and Country must be the focus and with the majority of our employees being military and combat veterans we know how to move the needle.”

The reusable masks are made and manufactured in America using American cotton.

Laura Loomer, who is running to be the Republican candidate in Florida’s 21st district, worked with Granville to produce masks for her campaign, which will be available through her campaign site later today.

“We are very honored and proud to support the president and Laura Loomer,” said Granville.

Granville’s merchandise store, Republican Legion, is also selling reusable, made-in-america “Trump 2020” masks.

In a statement, Loomer spokeswoman Karen Giorno said the collaboration was aimed at supporting American manufacturing and keeping Americans safe.

“The Laura Loomer for Congress campaign has always recognized the need for American manufacturing to return home from China. It’s long overdue for our nation to start putting American business owners first, and during this pandemic, our campaign is doing all that we can to help restart the engine of our economy while also keeping Americans safe with America made face masks. We support President Trump’s policies that are tough on China and pro- American business.” Karen Giorno, senior advisor and chief strategist to the Loomer campaign.

Florida is currently in the early stages of reopening. Masks are not mandatory in public, although Governor Ron DeSantis has strongly recommended all residents wear masks for face-to-face interactions.

Are you an insider at Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any other tech company who wants to confidentially reveal wrongdoing or political bias at your company? Reach out to Allum Bokhari at his secure email address

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.


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