77% of College Students Say Online Learning Is Worse than Normal Classes

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A recent poll reveals that 77 percent of college students find online courses to be “worse” or “much worse” than in-person classes.

The majority of college students do not have a positive view of online courses, according to a recent Axios and College Reactions poll seeking to research how the Chinese virus pandemic has affected the lives of college students from a financial, professional, and health perspective.

According to the poll, 77 percent of college students say that “distance learning is worse or much worse than in-person classes,” while 13 percent say “they would take time off from college if distance learning continues next year.”

The same poll also shows how students have been financially impacted by the Wuhan coronavirus, revealing that 75 percent of them have had their work “canceled, moved remote, or delayed.” Among those, 38 percent were canceled, and 37 percent were moved to a remote location or delayed.

The survey added that a whopping 90 percent of college students also expressed concern about the U.S. economy and job market in response to the effects of the Chinese virus.

As for “mental health,” the poll shows that 51 percent of college students “are experiencing mental health distress as a result of coronavirus,” while 67 percent have expressed concern “about the effect of social isolation.”

The data was generated with the polling of 822 college students from around the country. The poll was conducted April 10 through 12.

Respondents were randomly selected from a database aiming to “mirror the broader college demographic from a racial, geographic, and political standpoint weighted to reflect the broader college demographic as defined by the National Center for Education Statistics,” according to College Reactions.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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