Michelle Malkin has announced that an event she was scheduled to speak at in Maine has been canceled after University of Maine administrators claimed that event’s student organizers failed to properly register their club.

According to a report by the Portland Press Herald, a scheduled lecture event featuring conservative commentator Michelle Malkin has been canceled by the Portland Sheraton at Sable Oaks. Malkin says the decision came after the University of Maine announced that it did not recognize the student group behind the event.

“Mission accomplished, cowardly free speech hater. I hear you got an assist from Univ. of Maine officials, too. Taxpayers should know their $ is being used for cancel culture campaigns against #AmericaFirst students & speakers,” Malkin wrote in a tweet on Tuesday.

University of Maine spokesman Dan Demeritt claimed in a statement that the university supports and defends First Amendment rights.

“The freedom of expression, assembly, and the free exchange of ideas are rights that are protected in university policy for all UMaine students,” Demeritt said in the statement.

Demeritt went on to explain that the University of Maine College Republicans are not permitted to host events because they are not recognized as an official student organization by the university.

“As a result any event hosted by these students would not be an official university function,” Demeritt added. “The university communicated that status in response to questions about an event that had been scheduled by UMaine students at the Portland Sheraton at Sable Oaks, but did not suggest that the event be canceled.”

Malkin told the press that universities are preventing students from hearing conservative perspectives by canceling events over bureaucratic technicalities.

“The whole point (of coming to Maine) was to talk about themes in my book (“Open Borders Inc.”) and the reporting I’ve done over the last 25 years on this issue,” Malkin said in a short comment. “I’m sharing my perspective as the daughter of legal immigrants and the wife of the great-grandson of Jewish immigrants. Those facts aren’t going to reach kids on campus if the administration is barring people like myself.”

Breitbart News reported in November that Bentley University in Massachusetts had canceled an event featuring Malkin after claiming that they did not have the sufficient security resources to safely hold the event.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.