The CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment announced a new partnership with the United Nations environment committee called the Playing for the Planet alliance. Sony vows its upcoming Playstation 5 gaming platform will focus on lower power consumption to save the Earth.

Hollywood Reporter reports that Sony’s PlayStation has “joined forces” with the United Nations environment committee to develop a new partnership called the Playing for the Planet alliance. Sony Interactive Entertainments President and CEO Jim Ryan stated in a blog post: “We believe that careful stewardship of natural resources is of utmost importance and are aligned with the mission and objectives of UN Environment. Earlier this year, they created a new Youth and Environment Alliance and quickly realized partnering with the video game industry would help them reach their sustainable development goals.”

Rya attended the U.N. Climate Summit in New York City recently where the issue of global climate change was discussed by world leaders. Sony has made attempts to reduce the power consumption of its PlayStation 4 console in the past, Ryan said due to the firms efforts the company has avoided carbon emissions that amount to “almost 16 million metric tons, increasing to 29 million metric tons over the course of the next 10 years (which equals the CO2 emissions for the nation of Denmark in 2017).”

Ryan stated that the firms new PlayStation 5 console set to be released next November will also be focused on lowering power consumption:  “I am also very pleased to announce the next-generation PlayStation console will include the possibility to suspend gameplay with much lower power consumption than PS4,” said Ryan. “If just one million users enable this feature, it would save equivalent to the average electricity use of 1,000 U.S. homes.”

Ryan stated that the firm will be conducting a carbon footprint assessment of its gaming services and will make the data from the study public: “Our commitments are not only related to hardware and operations, we are also keen to help inform people interested in sustainability goals,” said Ryan.

Ryan stated that the firm will also explore potential apps for its VR service which could raise awareness of climate change: “There is an undeniable opportunity for leaders in the games industry to take a stand and support the U.N. Environment team by communicating the importance of preserving natural resources for generations to come,” said Ryan. “We look forward to seeing what the industry can achieve together.”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at