A Title IX report has cleared a group of Michigan State University basketball players accused of gang rape.

According to a report by ESPN, a group of Michigan State University basketball players has been cleared of a sexual assault allegation.

The players, who have not been named, were accused of sexually assaulting a female student in 2015. The student, Bailey Kowalski, claims that she was drugged and raped by three former basketball players in April 2015. Stu Shafer, an attorney for one of the athletes, said that the burden of proof for sexual assault cases on campuses is incredibly low.

“The burden of proof is so low in these kinds of cases for a complainant to prevail. They just have to believe one side a little more than the other side,” Shafer said. “They couldn’t even meet that low threshold.”

John Shea, who represented another player, said that victims of sexual assault should be taken seriously. However, the female student’s claim was unsubstantiated.

“These are difficult times on college campuses when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct. Such allegations should be taken seriously, and investigated appropriately, even, or especially, when it involves an athlete,” Shea said. “That said, when a thorough investigation is undertaken and at the end of it an accusation is found to be unsubstantiated, as here, that finding should be accepted.”

Kowalski maintains that she was attacked by the athletes. “I’m enraged because of the fact that they said they were there,” Kowalski told ESPN in a comment. “It’s not like my credibility is, like, ‘Oh, she doesn’t even know who did it.’ Because two of them did say it was them.”

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