A source close to Lori Loughlin claims that the actress is concerned that the college admissions scandal she is charged with taking part in is ruining her legacy.
According to a report from People magazine, actress Lori Loughlin is worried that the college admissions scandal is going to destroy her legacy. Loughlin was charged by the DOJ with allegedly paying a $500,000 bribe to have her two daughters admitted to the University of Southern California.
“You read the complaint and they look like criminal masterminds,” the anonymous source told People magazine. “But they really didn’t know the legalities of what was going on. They’re not lawyers and they’re not experts. They were parents who simply wanted to make sure that their daughters got into a good school.”
The source claims that Loughlin didn’t know that William “Rick” Singer would use her money to perpetuate a scam.
“Calling in favors, donating money to the alumni association, hiring consultants. Those are all things that parents do. And so they gave money to this consultant, not entirely knowing everything that was going to be done,” the source continued. “When it all fell apart, nobody was as surprised as they were that they were in trouble.”
The claim that Loughlin was unaware of Singer’s plan to bribe officials is questionable. Loughlin reportedly had her daughters pose for photos on rowing equipment. The photos were then used to construct fake athletic profiles that helped her daughters, who had never rowed competitively, gain admission to USC as crew recruits.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.