Instagram removed a cartoon posted by Babylon Bee founder Adam Ford for “hate speech,” Wednesday.

According to PJ Media, the cartoon, which compared “the moral outrage of abortion to the moral outrage of slavery,” was removed from Instagram for allegedly violating the Facebook-owned platform’s “Community Guidelines on hate speech or symbols.”

“This is the third time a Facebook property has tried to silence me without any justification,” declared Ford to PJ Media. “The first was for a comic defending traditional marriage, and the second was when I was running The Babylon Bee and they tried to label it as ‘fake news.’ It just keeps happening. And it only seems to happen to conservatives.”

“I don’t think the timing of this is coincidental. After the massive pushback we’ve seen against the radical Democrat abortion campaigns in places like New York and Virginia, and the attempted censoring of the Unplanned movie recently (Twitter account suspended, advertisements blacklisted), it seems there’s a method here,” he continued. “With abortion being such an active conversation right now, you’d think the social media companies would be on high-alert to NOT be censoring legitimate viewpoints.”

Ford’s satire website, the Babylon Bee, has previously faced sanctions from Big Tech companies, including Instagram parent company Facebook.

Last year, Facebook threatened to demonetize the Babylon Bee after Snopes “fact-checked” a satirical article on the site about CNN using a washing machine to “spin” the news as false.

Facebook later apologized.

In a 2018 article for the American Conservative, Ford expressed his concern over Big Tech power, declaring, “I believe the most pressing and grave danger is the centralized control of information by a handful of far-left tech moguls.”

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter, or like his page at Facebook.