Mom Cancels Baby Shower After Relatives Ridicule Name Choice

Week 34 of pregnancy reduces breast cancer risk: study

A woman is going viral for allegedly canning plans for a baby shower because her relatives and friends ridiculed her decision to call her baby “Squire Sebastian Senator.”

“Dear Members of the Squire Sebastian Senator Babyshower (sic),” states the Facebook post, which has been re-posted on Reddit. “I have a really important announcement to make. It brings me pain to have to tell you this, but I am cancelling the event.”

The woman, who is not identified in the post, explained that she canceled her baby shower because she claimed her relatives and friends spread “rumors and lies” about her “unborn child.”

“Y’all have been talking s— about my unborn baby. AN UNBORN CHILD. How can you judge an unborn child??” the social media post continued.

The woman stressed that because of the ridicule she and her baby had to face, she was no longer allowing people to give her unborn child a nickname.

“He will not be allowed to have a nickname, he is to be called by his full and complete first name,” she wrote.

The woman said she chose the unique name for her child because her family comes “from a long line of both squires and senators,” adding that “Squire Sebastian Senator” is only the first name.

“If you look back in our family tree, the survival of this clan is literally rooted in squiredom. We are all related to senators too,” she writes. “This name conveys power. It conveys wealth. It conveys success.”

The woman’s Facebook rant later went viral on Reddit, with many commenters on the site ridiculing the woman for her choice of name.

“I’ll say the same thing I tell any friend who gets pregnant: before you settle on a name, imagine growing up with it yourself,” a Redditor wrote.

“No one’s talking s— about your unborn baby. They’re talking s— about your poor naming choices,” one person commented.

This is not the first time a unique choice of name has been mocked on the Internet within the past month.

In November, the mother of a five-year-old girl with epilepsy claimed a Southwest Airlines gate agent mocked her daughter named “Abcde” and posted the girl’s boarding pass on social media.


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