NYU Student Government Passes ‘BDS’ Resolution Against Israel

boycott israel

New York University’s student government voted in favor of a resolution demanding that the university divests from three companies that do business with Israel. The students accused NYU of giving their tuition payments to companies involved in “murdering brown people across the globe.”

The student government of New York University (NYU) approved the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution on Thursday night, after accusing the university of spending their tuition dollars on “murdering brown people across the globe.”

“NYU’s investment in the below mentioned companies plays an active role in funding and perpetuating Israel’s illegal occupation and its violation of human rights, making NYU complicit in these crimes,” states the BDS resolution passed on Thursday.

The three companies in question were Caterpillar, General Electric, and Lockheed Martin.

“NYU is currently in violation of its own code of ethical conduct, and we want NYU to put its money where its mouth is,” stated one of the student authors of the resolution, “If NYU says its a university that upholds diversity, equity, and inclusion, that should be reflected in our investment practices.”

The student continued by claiming that Caterpillar has been aiding the Israeli army in “systematically” demolishing Palestinian homes, shops and structures.

Another student who helped write the BDS resolution accused General Electric, and Lockheed Martin of being complicit in the deaths of “hundreds of [Palestinian] children.”

The student continued, claiming that boycotting Israel would ensure students that their “tuition dollars aren’t being spent on murdering brown people across the globe.”

The pro-BDS students then talked about Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar winning their congressional elections, making them the first Muslim women ever elected to the United States Congress, adding that the two Rep.-Elects support the BDS movement targeting Israel.

“It was a really sad day at NYU, because the Jewish community wanted to create dialogue,” said student Jackson Maier to Breitbart News, “but nobody would listen.”

Maier, who campaigned alongside NYU’s student group Realize Israel, added that they had been calling for the vote to be delayed, as they were seeking an opportunity to have a dialog with those who disagreed.

“This is a resolution that has no place in the university, no place in town councils, and no place in the world,” continued Maier, “a boycott is usually against a corporation or conglomerate, but this resolution is about Israel, and I feel that it’s ultimately about the Jewish people.”

Earlier this year, two anti-Zionist students were arrested after assaulting a student and setting an Israeli flag on fire at an event hosted by Realize Israel to celebrate Israel’s independence.

“[NYU Students for Justice in Palestine] and friends DESECRATE #Israel flag at annual event ‘Rave in the Park’ hosted by NYU pro-Israel group,” said an Israel advocate, who tweeted a video of a student stomping on the Israeli flag.

The BDS resolution passed on Thursday calls for NYU to immediately add Caterpillar, General Electric, and Lockheed Martin to its “Prohibited List,” unless the three companies put in place policies “designed to ensure that none of their products are used by the State of Israel in the violation of human rights.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo and on Instagram.


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