Scott Kelly Apologizes to Angry Woke Mob for Quoting Winston Churchill to Shame Republicans

Theo Wargo/Getty, Evening Standard/Getty

Retired Astronaut Scott Kelly apologized Sunday after quoting social justice thought criminal Winston Churchill — even though he was attacking Republicans celebrating the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Kelly wrote: “One of the greatest leaders of modern times, Sir Winston Churchill said, ‘in victory, magnanimity.’ I guess those days are over.”

The astronaut, who led three International Space Station trips, was quickly bombarded by angry social media activists denouncing his apparent endorsement of “racist” views. “Churchill was a mass murderer and a racist, Scott,” one user replied.

“Churchill was a mass murderer. His actions led to the death of millions due to famine in bengal state of erstwhile india during WW2. He compared indians to beasts. He myt be a hero for a lot of u, not for indians like me,” another user wrote.

After eight hours of receiving furious messages, Kelly eventually apologized to the mob and vowed to familiarize himself with “racist views” and the “atrocities” alleged against Churchill.

“Did not mean to offend by quoting Churchill. My apologies,” he wrote. “I will go and educate myself further on his atrocities, racist views which I do not support. My point was we need to come together as one nation. We are all Americans. That should transcend partisan politics.”

Not everyone agreed with Kelly kowtowing to the Twitter trolls. AEI resident scholar Christina Sommer told Kelly, despite Churchill’s shortcomings, there was no need to apologize. “Please don’t apologize. Winston Churchill, like all of us, had serious human failings,” Sommers said. “But unlike most of us—he possessed genuine greatness. And that greatness may have saved freedom & democracy. Ask the Twitter scolds to name a hero or heroine who didn’t have serious flaws.”

“‘You are disgracing yourself here. Please stop bending to the will of deranged online trolls,” another user told Kelly.


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