A new report this week revealed that Columbia University has spent $185 million on diversity-related initiatives since 2005, but faculty diversity has remained “stagnant.”

A new report from Toni Airaksinen of Campus Reform revealed that Columbia University has spent a whopping $185 million on diversity-related initiatives since 2005. This figure is shocking when compared to a September report from the Columbia University student newspaper, which argued that new data suggests a stagnation in the hiring of minority faculty.

“Though percentages of minority faculty have increased by 3.6 percent across the University over the past 10 years, percentages of black and Latinx faculty have remained largely stagnant in that same time frame, newly-released data from the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion shows,” the report reads.

“Since 2009, the total number of faculty members in Arts and Sciences has increased by 166, but the number of black faculty has increased only by eight and the number of Latinx faculty by 11,” the report continues. “There are currently no black tenured engineering professors at Columbia.”

Breitbart News has extensively reported on the amount of money that has been spent on diversity initiatives around the country. Take, for example, the University of Michigan — whose diversity office has an $11 million payroll for its 100 employees. Or consider the newly appointed Vice President of Diversity at Ohio University, who will make $200,000 per year.

Author Heather Mac Donald told Campus Reform that Columbia would be best suited if they had used the $185 million for other purposes.

“Social justice is not the purpose of a university. Passing on our cultural inheritance and generating new knowledge is,” Mac Donald said. “Identity politics should have no role in Columbia’s mission. But if Columbia is determined to pursue social justice, it should disband the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion and all related diversity functions and spend the money on full-time tutors for inner-city children and inner-city Scout troops.”