Radio host Michael Knowles argued on Fox News this week that the Democratic Socialists of America are trying to take over American schools because they can’t win a “fair fight.”
A new pamphlet being passed around by the Democratic Socialists of America urges young members to consider pursuing education so that they can share socialist ideals with young minds.
In an interview with Fox News, Knowles cited a survey that revealed that young people have little knowledge of the communist dictatorships of the 20th century.
“You have a whole generation of ignorant socialist students. According to a number of surveys, 40 percent of American millennials have never heard of Vladimir Lenin, 42 percent have never heard of Mao Zedong, a full two-thirds have never heard of Auschwitz,” Knowles said.
“The reason why I think the socialists are picking on students, is that they can’t win a fair fight. They can’t pick on people their own size. They can’t win in the battle of ideas with educated adults so they have to go in there to students and cut off any thought of freedom with socialist ideology,” he added.
“Socialists don’t know much about history…All of this is a call for school choice. The Democratic Socialists of America are going after education because it’s a relatively well-paid monopoly with virtual job security…the way to fight this is school choice,” he finished.
Postmodernists on the far left believe that objective truth is shaped by those who hold social power. The Democratic Socialists of America may also feel an urgency to seize positions of power in academia because it ensures that they will be able to set the narrative that young students absorb as their minds develop.