Delingpole: ‘Trump’s Space Force’ – Bigliest Adventure in the History of Comics

Trump's Space Force cover art
Trump Space Force

One of the more noticeable differences between the modern right and the modern left is that while their side hates, our side laughs. And in creative endeavours like comic books, we create while they tend to destroy — both the characters we grew up loving and the sales of the books themselves.

As Exhibit A let me present Trump’s Space Force — the comic book version of the real thing, now entering its final week of fundraising at Indiegogo.

It has already exceeded its $15,000 launch target by 357 percent, but my bet is that you’ll still want to donate for at least a couple of reasons.

One: This is quality.

It’s scripted by comics legend Chuck Dixon (the creator of Bane), with art by Timothy Lim (Thump: the First Bundred Days) and colors by Brett Smith (Clinton Cash Graphic Novel). And the high concept is just perfect: it’s like a mash-up of Aliens, Independence Day and Starship Troopers with a bit of anime  (Robotech; Star Blazers) and features all your favorite characters from the Magaverse (Scott Adams; Sebastian Gorka; and, obviously, the Donald…) wiping out aliens and Making Space Great Again.

Two. It will annoy the hell out of all the po-faced leftists who think that popular culture belongs to them alone.

As Brett Smith explains:

“We conservatives have tended to focus on hard news — we’re good at arguing policy, tax brackets, stuff like that — while leaving popular culture to the left. But what conservatives tend not to grasp is that you can’t fight a culture war with economic news. We have to make pop culture too — the sort of high adventure stories that naturally includes conservative values even without an overt political message added on top. The Left is abandoning this sort of culture in favor of ideological programming, so Trump’s Space Force is part of the vital mission to brand our side as cool and hip.”

Smith continued, “At the moment, the media, pop culture, and Hollywood are dominated by people who hate us — James Gunn and Disney, the Marvel SJW crowd, and so on. We’re over half their audience, yet all these pedophiles and creepy weirdos do is look down on us and treat us with contempt. The comics industry blacklists talented creators just for the crime of having conservative values, but we’ve come to the conclusion that if the industry doesn’t want to make content for conservatives, we’ll build our own industry. Our project is made by and for people who are part of the MAGA audience. It’s a morale booster. It’s a love letter to MAGA.”

The Trump’s Space Force team has seen quite a reaction from their target market. More than 1,100 backers have signed up at varying levels for not just the comic itself, but perks including hats, figurines, and original artwork. The team is even courting big spenders with a $25,000 backing tier that includes a private dinner in Washington D.C. with the creative team, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, and Terry Schappert.

The final reason you should support Trump’s Space Force, although let’s be honest — you were probably sold at annoying the lefties who control this industry — is that conservatives creating pop culture don’t have Hollywood’s billions in the war chest, or the support of Disney, which owns Marvel. If we want to see pop culture created with a conservative bent, or any message besides that of the progressive left… we need to take a break from enriching the usual suspects, and support the creators on our side — especially when they are as talented and creative as this team of industry veterans.



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