Twitter Enlists Anti-Trump Leftist Profs to Legitimize ‘Conversational Health’ Censorship

Twitter profile page, Jack Dorsey, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Rebekah Tromble, and Patricia
Bethany Clarke, Scott Olson/Getty, Syracuse Univ, Leiden Univ,

Twitter recently announced that it would be hiring a group of academics to evaluate “conversational health” on its platform. Unsurprisingly, these academics include anti-trump leftists.

Following a decision to focus on the issue of toxicity on their platform, Twitter decided to hire groups of academics to focus on the issue. Following a lengthy review process, Twitter has chosen two research teams to focus on two different problems. The first team is from Leiden University and will analyze how “echo chambers” form on the platform, and what sort of effect they have. They will also attempt to analyze the difference between incivility and intolerance during a conversation which will help Twitter to better understand how their users are interacting.

The team consists of the following members: Rebekah Tromble, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Leiden University, Dr. Michael Meffert at Leiden, Dr. Patricia Rossini and Dr. Jennifer Stromer-Galley at Syracuse University, Dr. Nava Tintarev at Delft University of Technology, and Dr. Dirk Hovy at Bocconi University.

The second research team is from the University of Oxford and is led by Professor Miles Hewstone and John Gallacher, in partnership with Dr. Marc Heerdink from the University of Amsterdam. This group will continue work started by Professor Hewstone who has studied intergroup conflict for some time, this will help the platform to examine conversations on their platform with the view of removing prejudice. Hewstone’s research shows that when conversations include more positive sentiments, cooperative emotions, and complex thinking, prejudice tends to go down while the quality of relationships increases.

Breitbart News has now discovered that many of these newly employed academics who will be helping Twitter to improve their “hate speech” rules and measuring “conversational health” on the platform are anti-Trump leftists. Rebekah Tromble, the Assistant Professor of Political Science at Leiden University, has posted a number of anti-Trump tweets:

The assistant professor also tweeted her support of the anti-Trump Women’s March in Washington DC:

But when President Trump appointed female members of his cabinet, this apparently also wasn’t enough to appease Tromble:

Tromble wrote an article for the Washington Post in 2016 that claimed that Hillary Clinton “faces a barrage of negativity and a heavy dose of sexism on Twitter” at the hands of Trump supporters.

Tromble isn’t the only academic now working for the platform to show anti-Republican bias, Patricia Rossini from Leiden University has posted similar tweets to Tromble.

Rossini has also been quick to let her Twitter followers know how to determine if someone is “mansplaining,” a slang word used to describe when a man is being condescending. As usual, the left can’t simply use the pre-existing word “condescending” but instead have to create the new gendered word “mansplaining.”

Jenny Stromer-Galley from Syracuse University has a similar history of anti-Trump tweets:

Stromer-Galley also accused Facebook of being “embedded” with the Trump campaign:

She has also claimed that Cambridge Analytica worked with the Trump campaign to publish fake news on Facebook’s platform:

Stromer-Galley seems to be particularly obsessed with the President’s state of mind:

These are the academics that Twitter has chosen to entrust with analyzing conversations on their platform and helping to shape Twitter policy. Given Twitter’s history of censoring conservative voices, these academic picks are not too surprising.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at


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