Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg replied, “I’ll have my team get back to you,” “I’ll follow up with you on that,” or some other variation of the same answer at least 21 times during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees, Tuesday.

Zuckerberg was both criticized and mocked for using the reply so frequently, with Recode Co-Founder Kara Swisher declaring, “If you had to take a drink when Zuckerberg says: ‘I’ll have my team get back to you,’ you’d be real real drunk.”

Former congressional candidate Dr. Dena Grayson claimed Zuckerberg’s answer was his attempt at “ducking the questions,” while another user called it a “common refrain.”

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.