A new survey published by Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics revealed that only four percent of millennials trust Facebook.

As Mark Zuckerberg prepares to appear on Capitol Hill on Tuesday afternoon, a recently published Harvard survey revealed that millennial trust in Facebook is at an all-time low.

According to the survey, only four percent of millennials (aged 18-29) trust Facebook “all the time.” Only 22 percent of respondents said that they trust Facebook “most of the time.” Combined, this means only a total of only 26 percent of the surveyed millennials have a medium to high trust level in Facebook.

Similar sentiments were expressed for Twitter. Only four percent of millennials said that they trust Twitter “all the time.”

The new data on millennial trust in Facebook comes amidst heightened scrutiny over the ways in which social media giants handle our personal user data.

Mark Zuckerberg says that as many as 87 million users may have had their data shared with Cambridge Analytica. Users who were affected by the alleged data scandal were notified by Facebook on Tuesday.