Masters of the Universe Town Hall: Robert Epstein Claims ‘You Have No Idea of the Extent of Surveillance’

Google is increasingly similar to Big Brother's Oceania in 1984
Jeremie Lederman/

Dr. Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology warned the audience at the Breitbart News “Masters of the Universe” town hall event to the extent to which major technology companies such as Google are surveilling their users.

Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the Institute, explained that Google is now “monitoring us on over 200 different platforms” and constantly recording data which they then sell on for profit.

Epstein went on to reference a recent story by Fox News host Tucker Carlson which exposed how Android phones track data on their users even when the phones are switched off and sim cards are removed.

“The moment he goes back online, these phones transmit a complete record of the places he has been all day long, so even when you’re offline, you are being monitored,” he continued.

He also warned of recently developed Google devices that record individuals in every room of the house.

“The Google home device, which Google is right this minute trying to convince us to put in every single room in our house, is always listening, it never stops listening, or recording,” he said. “So believe me, you have no idea the extent of surveillance.”

Epstein was appearing alongside conservative commentator Ann Coulter, investigative journalist and Breitbart Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow at the Breitbart’s Masters of the Universe Town Hall event hosted in New Orleans.

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