Dr. Robert Epstein, an American psychologist, argued during Breitbart News’ town hall event on Thursday night that Internet surveillance and censorship puts all Americans at risk.
Epstein, an American psychologist who earned a Ph.D. in psychology at Harvard University in 1981, spoke on Thursday night at Breitbart News’ Town Hall event entitled “Masters of the Universe: Big Tech vs. Free Speech and Privacy.”
“At the moment, whether you know it or not, democracy is an illusion. Human freedom has been greatly constrained in ways that I guarantee that you aren’t even aware of,” Epstein said.
Epstein pointed out that internet surveillance impacts all Americans, regardless of political perspective. “The point is, all of us, no matter what our political positions, we are all in danger very much,” Epstein added.
“So what do these big companies know about us? This is the surveillance problem…even Twitter makes decisions about whether or not Ann Coulter’s tweets are going to go to her followers or not. That is called shadow banning and that has been documented,” Epstein said.
Epstein highlighted that internet surveillance violates the privacy of society’s most vulnerable members, like children. “We are talking about huge companies that are collecting massive amounts of information about every single one of us, and worse yet, our children,” he finished.