A professor at Flinders University in Australia recently published an academic journal article that highlights the “horrors” of heterosexuality.

Heather Brook of Flinders University in Australia published a paper this week for the academic journal Feminist Theory in which she wrote about the “horrors” of heterosexuality.

“The larger aim of this endeavour is to theorise heterosexuality in more accurate ways, and to seek out understandings of heterosexuality (including its historical relationship with heteronormative marriage) which acknowledge its horrors without foreclosing hope for its future,” the paper’s summary reads.

Brook describes “heterosexuality” as an issue that needs to be fixed. “So far I have suggested that in feminist, gender and sexuality studies, heterosexuality is a problem, and a problem resistant to any easy solution,” she wrote.

Brook suggests “heterosexuality” could benefit from “queering.”

“I have argued that heterosexuality cannot be easily queered, as if with a theoretical silver bullet, partly because its meaning relies on a dichotomous and aligned contrast between hetero and homo; straight and queer,” Brook wrote.

In a section of the paper under the heading, “The Trouble with Heterosexuality,” Brook argued that heterosexuality is often seen as a singular experience. On the other hand, queer identifies are seen as diverse and fluid. “Queer identities are seen as provisional, fluid and contingent, but heterosexuality – or, at least, institutionally buttressed, mainstream heterosexuality – is more often perceived to be steadfastly monolithic,” she wrote.

Brook’s Flinders University profile explains that her research often centers around issues of “heterosexuality” and gender.

“She has many research interests, including gender (in general); heterosexuality and heteronormativity; embodiment (including health and illness); film studies (especially feminist film and media studies), social theory (especially feminist theory), prisons, illicit drug use, education and pedagogy.,” the site reads.