Sen. Elizabeth Warren drew a host of reactions — not all of them positive — when she responded on Twitter to President Donald Trump’s sarcastic “global warming” tweet.
The Massachusetts senator stepped onto Twitter’s virtual soapbox for a “crazy” statement in response to President Trump’s tweet, which drew a broad range of responses, many of them mocking and highly critical of Warren and her beliefs:
“I’m going to say something really crazy,” Sen. Warren said. “I believe in science. Climate change is real, and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children and grandchildren.” Unfortunately for Warren, this apparently opened the door for her detractors to question just how much she believed.
Responses were wide-ranging, such as this tweet that was diplomatic but also questioned the premise on which Warren’s tweet was based:
To the… not-so-diplomatic:
People questioned her belief in science relative to gender, sexuality, and abortion, but also the very nature of science itself. Some pointed out that science is a method, not a belief:
Of course, Warren had as many supporters as detractors, and the resultant exchange was everything one might expect from a snarky Twitter brawl. For enough hot takes to keep every home in America warm throughout this arctic chill, enjoy the thread in its entirety.
You can find Nate Church being a huge nerd @Get2Church on Twitter.