Tech CEOs across Silicon Valley expressed their anger and outrage at the decision by President Trump to end DACA today.
CEO’s across Silicon Valley took to Twitter and Facebook to express their anger and outrage over President Trump’s decision to end DACA. Apple CEO Tim Cook used Twitter to express his disapproval tweeting, “250 of my Apple coworkers are #Dreamers. I stand with them. They deserve our respect as equals and a solution rooted in American values.”
He also vowed that Apple would do their best to fight for their DACA workers.
Google’s Sundar Pichai called for Congress to step in saying, “Dreamers are our neighbors, our friends and our co-workers. This is their home. Congress needs to act now to #DefendDACA. #WithDreamers.”
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey wrote a tweet calling the ending of DACA “completely unnecessary and cruel,” and a “crushing blow to those who want to contribute to our future.”
And Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg posted a longer response on his Facebook page stating, “This is a sad day for our country. The decision to end DACA is not just wrong. It is particularly cruel to offer young people the American Dream, encourage them to come out of the shadows and trust our government, and then punish them for it.”
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at