MILO: ‘LBJ Was A Real Racist’


As part of his talk at University Wisconsin-Milwaukee on race and the left, MILO said that former U.S president Lyndon B. Johnson was a “real racist.”

Lyndon Baines Johnson or LBJ as he will always be known became president when Kennedy was murdered. His presidency spelled the beginning of tough times for black America.”

Criticising his escalation of the Vietnam War, MILO claimed that the creation of the welfare state as something that “installed blacks as an underclass.”

“He created the Great Society, which left him with a legacy as a civil rights champion.  That legacy is not deserved,” he said.

He also claimed that Johnson was responsible for “creating a world for blacks where the Democrat party is their only choice.”

MILO also quoted the words of former Republican nominee Herman Cain, who described Democratic party as plantation, whilst voting republican meant leaving the plantation.  

LBJ was a real racist. I will leave it up to you to Google some of his quotes about black people,” he added.

Written from prepared remarks. 

Watch MILO’s full talk at UWM below.

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