Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos spoke at American University in Washington, D.C. yesterday, in a widely-covered event that was marked by Black Lives Matter protests and Melissa Click-like attempts to harass journalists.
At the start of his talk, Milo promised that for every unscheduled interruption from a protester, he would donate $20 to the Donald Trump campaign and $50 to the “Milo Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant,” a college bursary he recently set up for straight white males.
Sure enough, Yiannopoulos was soon interrupted by a protester wielding a placard. Her angry chants were quickly drowned out by audience members chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!”
Yiannopoulos went on to explain why he thought the left were so agitated by his presence: “It’s been a while since the left has had a really significant challenger. It’s been a while since the left on campus had had somebody who can come in and blow open the basis of their identitarian political outlooks – that’s me.”
He also hit out at mainstream conservatives.
“For too long, conservatives, the conservative movement, conservative journalists, conservative politicians, anyone you may have looked up to in the conservative movement has been terrified of the left,” he explained. “They’ve been terrified of the left’s bogus allegations of racism, they’ve been terrified of the left’s bogus allegations of sexism, they’ve been terrified by the left’s hoaxes.”
Yiannopoulos later took questions from the audience.
On Ted Cruz, Milo said that the presidential candidate looked like he “crawled out of a swamp.”
On Donald Trump, Yiannopoulos said that the GOP will have to come to terms with his supporters’ concerns.
On homophobia, Yiannopoulos said that he had only really experienced it from other gay people when they discover he’s a conservative. He calls those people “faggots.”
On Obama, he said that the President has been a “disaster for race relations.” He added that black people have “valid grievances” but that Black Lives Matter is “not the answer.”
On free speech, Yiannopoulos said that beyond the incitement of violence and terrorism, free expression should be “absolute.”
On cultural libertarianism, he said that its ultimate objective should be to create an “open marketplace of ideas.”
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