YouTube - Page 20

Big Tech Besieged: The 6 Biggest Setbacks & Scandals for Big Tech in 2017

It has been a year of setbacks for big tech, with Google, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, among other tech companies, all finding themselves facing new political threats from without and within. Tech companies’ favorite candidate lost the election, they were hauled before congress, and both left and right-wing media are out to get them.


Brave Browser Lets Users Fight YouTube Censorship with Bitcoin Tech

Brave, the Internet browser from Brendan Eich — the creator of JavaScript and former Mozilla CEO chased out of the company because of political wrongthink — has announced a new feature that users might use to combat YouTube’s growing censorship of independent channels in favor of corporate brands.

Brave Browser, the BAT (Basic Attention Token) currency, and a smartphone display the YouT