Xavier Becerra - Page 7

California Attacks Texas with Travel Ban over Alleged LGBT Discrimination

The California Attorney General added Texas to the State’s travel ban over the passage of a new law allowing child welfare organizations to deny services and adoptions based upon religious beliefs. The California AG claims Texas, along with Alabama, Kentucky, and South Dakota, have recently passed laws “that are discriminatory toward sexual orientation and gender identification.”


California AG Becerra: Trump’s Border Wall Is ‘Medieval’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said President Donald Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico Border was “medieval.” Becerra said, “I’m still trying to figure out who believes a medieval situation to fix the immigrant situation

Xavier Becerra

Smaller Protests Greet Trump’s New Executive Order

Protests at several California airports greeted President Donald Trump’s new executive order suspending travel from terror-prone countries on Monday, but they were smaller and less vociferous than in January, according to multiple news reports.

Executive order protest (Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty)

Jerry Brown Praises Donald Trump: ‘Amen to That, Brother’ on Infrastructure

California Governor Jerry Brown was expected to deliver a combative State of the State address on Tuesday, as he outlined his plans to fight President Donald Trump’s policies on immigration, Obamacare and climate change. He did that — but departed from his prepared text to praise Trump’s commitment to spend federal funds on infrastructure and to use union labor.

Jerry Brown State of the State 2017 (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

Biden, Garcetti Meet over Minimum Wage Hike

“No one in America should be working 40 hours a week and living below the poverty level–no one.” So said Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday at a roundtable discussion about the minimum wage with Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti,

Biden, Garcetti Meet over Minimum Wage Hike

Democrats Grow Antsy About Syria Vote

With the vote coming tomorrow, House Democrats said they are increasingly anxious about a proposal to authorize President Obama to arm and train Syrian rebels with the hope they will combat the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists consolidating power in the

Democrats Grow Antsy About Syria Vote