WSJ - Page 3

Wendy Davis Campaign Blames Loss on Ebola

Texas State Senator Wendy Davis was steamrolled in her bid to become the state’s next governor, and it appears that her staff believes Ebola has something to do with the failure of her campaign.  Speaking on behalf of Davis’ campaign,

Wendy Davis Campaign Blames Loss on Ebola

U.S. Oil Exports Hit 57 Year High

The accelerating United States energy boom allowed America to record its highest level of oil exports in 57 years and its second highest level since 1920 in the month of July. After becoming the world’s largest producer of natural gas

U.S. Oil Exports Hit 57 Year High

Report: Boehner's Secret Amnesty Talks with Obama Revealed

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) warned President Barack Obama again against taking executive action on immigration Thursday, telling Obama he would be playing with matches and risk burning himself. “[H]e’s going to burn himself if he continues to go down

Report: Boehner's Secret Amnesty Talks with Obama Revealed

Elephants Trample Democrats' Dream to Turn Texas Blue

The Lone Star State is set to become a deep shade of red following Tuesday’s midterm elections. Texans overwhelmingly rejected left-leaning candidates — no statewide Democrat came close to beating their Republican opponents. The outcome signifies that the left’s desire to

Elephants Trample Democrats' Dream to Turn Texas Blue

What Schumer Wrought…

This article was originally written by Mickey Kaus and published in the Daily Caller. FIND THAT MESSAGE: Obama’s policies were on the ballot — we have it on good authority (Obama’s).  That includes “comprehensive immigration reform,” as embodied in the Chuck

What Schumer Wrought…

Louisiana: Off and Running, Again

If you thought the 2014 mid-term elections were over … think again, although many believe a December run-off between Democrat Mary Landrieu and Republican Bill Cassidy is over before it even begins. Unofficially, Republican Rob Maness got 13.8% of the vote,

Saudi Arabia Outlaws Female 'Tempting Eyes'

Saudi Arabia has developed an international reputation for regularly violating women’s rights, one the nation continues to feed with a new law issued by the country’s religious police, the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice,

Saudi Arabia Outlaws Female 'Tempting Eyes'

Pizza Injury Sidelines Redskins Corner

Washington Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall claims to have had a pizza-related mishap that ended up injuring his Achilles’ tendon. Hall reported that he slipped and fell while getting pizza in his kitchen tearing his Achilles’ tendon for the second time

Pizza Injury Sidelines Redskins Corner

Tucker Carlson: GOP Should Adopt Jeff Sessions’ Populism

Daily Caller Editor-In-Chief Tucker Carlson argues that the Republican Party should embrace the populist positions of Senator Jeff Sessions on Thursday’s broadcast of “The Laura Ingraham Show.” “Jeff Sessions is so popular he could come to work in a dress

Tucker Carlson: GOP Should Adopt Jeff Sessions’ Populism

Liberian President Receives Ebola Supplies for Her Birthday

“I’m not celebrating because there is nothing to celebrate,” Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says. She and her nation observed her 76th birthday quietly, given the current Ebola crisis in the nation. As gifts, several groups presented the President with

Liberian President Receives Ebola Supplies for Her Birthday

Chinese Submarine Fleet Makes First Known Trip to Indian Ocean

This article originally appeared on  China’s submarine fleet made its first known trip into the Indian Ocean, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.  A Chinese attack submarine passed through the Straits of Malacca between Malaysia and Indonesia

Chinese Submarine Fleet Makes First Known Trip to Indian Ocean

Obama Triangulates, Okays some Nuclear Power

After a two-year suspension in issuing nuclear power plant licenses, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has quietly granted long-term licensing renewals for two Limerick Generating Station Units near Philadelphia.  Unit 1 is renewed until 2044 and Unit 2 until 2049. The

Obama Triangulates, Okays some Nuclear Power

Republican poll advantage soars to 11 points

The latest Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll says Republicans have soared to a mind-blowing 11 point lead, with voters saying they want a Republican-led Congress by a margin of 52-41.  The generic lead for the GOP was only

Amazon's Earnings Stink, Despite Rapid Growth

Although lousy quarterly earnings would result in lower stock prices for most companies, shareholders gave Amazon a pass for over a decade as the high-tech company rapidly grew top-line sales to become America’s Everything Store. But in a year when

Amazon's Earnings Stink, Despite Rapid Growth

Amazon Visa Card to Accept Apple Pay

TechCrunch reports that the Amazon Rewards Visa Card has joined Visa, MasterCard and American Express in accepting Apple Pay for credit card transactions. Although some were surprised that Amazon would do business with Apple’s “closed garden,” Chase Bank is already working with

Amazon Visa Card to Accept Apple Pay

Poll: Plurality of Midterm Voters Want GOP to Control Congress

A plurality of likely voters in the midterms want Republicans to control Congress. A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that 49% to 44% of registered voters “said they’d prefer the election to produce a Republican-led Congress, a first since the

Poll: Plurality of Midterm Voters Want GOP to Control Congress

Navy Boots VP Joe Biden's Son Hunter for Failing Cocaine Test

Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was booted from the Navy Reserve for doing cocaine. According to a Wall Street Journal report, “Hunter Biden, a lawyer by training who is now a managing partner at an investment company, had been commissioned

Navy Boots VP Joe Biden's Son Hunter for Failing Cocaine Test

Armageddon Without Corporate Welfare?

Does the Boeing Corporation really need the U.S. Export-Import Bank?  Few would know the answer to that question better than Kostya Zolotusky, Boeing’s managing director for capital markets and leasing, or so you would think. In a recent interview with Bloomberg Government,

Armageddon Without Corporate Welfare?

Ebola Patient's Dog May be Carrying the Deadly Virus

HOUSTON, Texas — The first person to contract Ebola in the U.S., a female nurse, is being treated at Dallas’ Texas Presbyterian Hospital but her dog remained in her apartment for over 24 hours following her diagnosis. It is possible that the

Ebola Patient's Dog May be Carrying the Deadly Virus

US Must 'Rethink' Ebola, Says CDC Director

HOUSTON, Texas — The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Monday that we need to “rethink” Ebola, and how to stop the spreading of the deadly virus.  CDC Director Tom Frieden reportedly said, “We have to

US Must 'Rethink' Ebola, Says CDC Director