WSJ - Page 11

GOP Eyes Senate Race In Blue State Oregon

In an aggressive move, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) issued a memorandum highlighting the GOP’s widening 2014 Senate battle map into blue state stronghold Oregon.  The memo cited new polling that reveals first term Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley is

GOP Eyes Senate Race In Blue State Oregon

California Braces for Intense Wildfire Season

On the heels of one of the worst droughts the state has ever experienced, California is bracing for another big challenge as summer approaches: wildfires. Thus far in 2014, the Wall Street Journal reports, fires have been breaking out in California

California Braces for Intense Wildfire Season

Report: Boehner 'Hellbent' on Passing Amnesty This Year

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is “hellbent” on passing amnesty legislation, and other GOP leaders are signaling to donors and lobbyists that they also want to pass legislation this Congress, even though attempting to do so would depress the GOP

Report: Boehner 'Hellbent' on Passing Amnesty This Year

Krugman claims the standard elite exemption

In response to Paul Krugman Offered ‘Comfortable Perch’ to Focus on Income Inequality: It’s hard to top “Krugman gets paid $25,000 a month to think about income inequality” as a comedic headline, especially given the hilariously light workload placed upon

Hollywood Playbook: Tuesday's Top 5 News Items

Marvel’s Auteur Approach About halfway through “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” I was startled by what I was watching. The whole movie was so wonderfully different from the over-CGI’d, heavy-on-mythology, humdrum Marvel films that had come before (including the first

Hollywood Playbook: Tuesday's Top 5 News Items

Fatal MERS Virus Outbreak Surges Throughout Middle East

The deadly virus known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), has seen a surge of cases reported throughout Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the entire Middle East. The Wall Street Journal reported that the UAE announced six confirmed

Fatal MERS Virus Outbreak Surges Throughout Middle East

To Stop Russia, Cancel Obama's 'New Start'

Among the many dubious legacies of “moderate” Republicans is the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, also known as “New START,” which the Senate ratified in December 2010, just after the electorate had delivered a resounding condemnation of the Obama administration’s left-wing

To Stop Russia, Cancel Obama's 'New Start'

Nasdaq: Worst Drop in More Than 2 Years

The Nasdaq Composite Index plummeted wildly on Thursday, posting its biggest drop in almost 2½ years and strongly affected the broader stock market.  The Nasdaq index fell 129.79 points, which amounted to a 3.1% drop, landing at 4054.11. Two major

Nasdaq: Worst Drop in More Than 2 Years

The Transparency Trap

Following plaintiff Shaun McCutcheon’s victory in the campaign finance reform case, several conservatives have hailed him as a hero. Certainly, he was on the right side of the issue of campaign donation limits, but like many he still doesn’t get

Continued Pings Reduce MH370 Search Area to Smallest Ever

The Australian agency coordinating the international effort to find Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has narrowed the search area to the smallest it has ever been–an area of 22,364 square miles northwest of Perth, Australia–as investigators have continued to find pinging

Continued Pings Reduce MH370 Search Area to Smallest Ever

The End is Nigh. Will Los Angeles Repent?

Los Angeles is falling fast on a downward economic spiral, and has been for a generation. The city ranks worst in the U.S. in job creation–behind even bankrupt Detroit–and near the bottom in public pension liabilities. Longtime residents complain of

The End is Nigh. Will Los Angeles Repent?

Wall Street Journal: Opponents of Amnesty are Racists

The Wall Street Journal strongly suggested Wednesday that opponents of “comprehensive” immigration reform are mere racists, in a slew of commentary prompted by the controversy over former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s remark this week that illegal immigration was an “act of

Wall Street Journal: Opponents of Amnesty are Racists

House Committee: Possible Crimes by IRS Official

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee says investigators have uncovered evidence that a former Internal Revenue Service official may have committed crimes as part of the agency’s tea party controversy. Rep. Dave Camp set

House Committee: Possible Crimes by IRS Official

'Shut up,' Mozilla explained

In response to Mozilla Clams Up As It Reaps a Whirlwind Of Disapproval : Nothing says “wide diversity of views” and “culture of openness” quite like nailing boards over the window to the company press office while thousands of disgusted

The Danger of the Left's Collective View of Rights

Is the First Amendment a protection of the individual’s right to free speech or merely a recognition of the social utility of free speech? That’s the question which underlies the divide between the Supreme Courts conservative and liberal wings. Justice