Women’s Rights - Page 7

Gaza Schools Expel Girls for Not Wearing Headscarves

Numerous high schools in Gaza have begun to expel female students because they did not wear headscarves on the first day of school. There is no law that states female students must wear a headscarf, but that did not stop school administrators from punishing those who do not wear one.

Islamic School

American Export To Canada: Left-Wing Advocacy

The Ford, Tides, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation have granted tens of millions of dollars to left-wing political agitation groups in Canada in recent years. The beneficiary groups vary in their focuses of public policy prescriptions. The ostensible objectives of these groups, as indicated by their self-descriptions, include advocacy for “clean energy transition,” “ecological and equitable choices,” “restor(ing) and preservin(ing) the environment,” “social, economic, and environmental justice” and “indigenous sovereignty.”

Canada's parliament on May 7, 2015 in Ottawa. AFP PHOTO MICHEL COMTE

Iran Wins Seat At UN Women’s Agency

Iran’s deplorable record on women’s rights did not stop the Islamic Republic from winning a seat on UN Women, a United Nations body that was formed in 2010 to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality.

AP Photo

UN: Israel #1 Violator of Women’s Rights

Guess who is the number one violator of women’s rights in the world today? Israel. Violating the rights of Palestinian women. At least that is the view of the UN’s top women’s rights body, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). CSW ends its annual meeting on Friday, March 20 by condemning only one of the 193 UN member states for violating women’s rights – Israel.

Female Soldiers Israel (Amir Cohen / Reuters)