Wikileaks: Sony Asked Stars About Herpes During Film Productions
New documents released by Wikileaks Thursday demonstrate an attempt by Sony to prevent the spread of herpes on film sets, according to Radar Online.

New documents released by Wikileaks Thursday demonstrate an attempt by Sony to prevent the spread of herpes on film sets, according to Radar Online.
Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.
WikiLeaks is releasing another part of President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).
Americans aren’t being allowed to see what’s in ObamaTrade. In fact, the agreements that lawmakers are supposed to vote on next week are so secret that lawmakers aren’t even allowed to keep any notes they make about what the deals contain.
Members of the House and the Senate delivered 2 million petitions to Congress, opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).
In a Tuesday morning statement, WikiLeaks announced that it has launched a campaign to crowd fund a $100,000 reward for the missing chapters of “America’s most wanted secret,” the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Over the past two years, WikiLeaks has only been
More than five months after a group of hackers crippled Sony Pictures Entertainment, information from thousands of leaked documents and emails is still surfacing.
Hollywood superstar and staunch environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio is again being accused of practicing hypocrisy after it was reported he boarded a private jet six separate times in a six-week period last year.
Ben Affleck asked the producers of PBS’ Finding Your Roots television show to edit out details of an ancestor who owned slaves, according to a Sony internal email exchange leaked this week. In an email sent to Sony CEO Michael Lynton
Bradley Manning, now legally known as Chelsea Manning–the US soldier convicted of leaking thousands of pages of US secret documents to the Wikileaks website–is now tweeting from jail. On April 3, Manning began tweeting from jail through an intermediary by
(AFP) – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will accept an offer by Swedish prosecutors to be questioned in London over rape allegations, his lawyer said last week. Follow Breitbart London on Twitter @BreitbartLondon