Western Civilization - Page 2

In Memoriam: Avi Davis (1958-2015)

Avi Davis, president and founder of the American Freedom Alliance, passed away peacefully early Monday morning at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he was surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Avi Davis (Facebook)

Phillips Warns of ‘Civilizational Battle’ Between Islam and the West

In a lecture on “The Paris Massacres and the Freedom of Speech,” British journalist Melanie Phillips singled out Islam as being the root cause of the violent extremism in the Paris and Copenhagen attacks ,and warned that radical ideologies stemming from the interpretation of the religion’s teachings are a direct threat to western values and the civilization as a whole.

Melanie Phillips (Adelle Nazarian / Breitbart News)

Report from Valhalla on the War of Fourteen Centuries

The saga of which I sing today is a tale most remarkable: My song comes from Valhalla, the Hall of the Slain, where war-heroes go to their rest. All those who have fallen in the fight, and borne wounds yet toiled unto death, from the beginning of the world, are come to the company of the great god Odin. Indeed, at a time of troublesome tumult on the earth, there is even greater news from Valhalla: Men should know that Odin has decided that it is now time to win the War of the Fourteen Centuries. That is, the War that began when the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, 1378 years ago. It is time, finally, for vengeance. These are the ways of Odin, Lord of Valhalla.


California’s Royce: Hebdo Attack Struck ‘Pillar of Civilized World’

Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) issued a statement in response to Wednesday’s deadly terrorist attack at the offices of the the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 lives were brutally taken. Rep. Royce expressed how the “disturbing” incident was a direct attack on free speech, which he described as a main “pillar of the civilized world.”
