Western Civilization

Exclusive: Faith Leaders Gather to Promote Restoring Traditional Values in America, Israel

As Judeo-Christian values come under attack and antisemitism rises worldwide, a recent event saw top faith leaders, former diplomats, and conservative scholars gather to promote traditional values that have long served as the foundation of Western civilization, in an effort to advance peace across the globe, while warning of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran led by radical Islamists.

Ralph Reed founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition (Joshua Klein/Breitbart

Exclusive: Counterterrorism Expert Cynthia Farahat Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Plan to ‘Destroy’ West – ‘Like Cancer’

The Muslim Brotherhood’s “endgame” is to murder every non-Muslim and “destroy Western civilization,” according to counterterrorism expert Cynthia Farahat, who revealed they are open about their intentions of infiltrating and corrupting every American institution “like a cancer,” and slammed the “far-left” for its “propaganda” supporting the global terrorist organization.

Cynthia Farahat

Delingpole: Apocalypse Trump Is Unleashed on Davos

We knew something apocalyptic was coming in Davos today. Those tactically released photographs of President Trump arriving by helicopter with his entourage were the giveaway: the silhouetted choppers strung out in extended line in the orange-yellow light above the mountains.


The Economist Exclusive — The Future of Bannonism: ‘The Judeo-Christian Liberal West Won’

President Trump’s former chief strategist and current Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon invited the editors of The Economist to his home for a candid discussion about the future of the populist economic nationalist movement and the civilizational challenges that will pit “the Judeo-Christian liberal West” against globalist mercantilist forces from China to Silicon Valley.


Virgil — The Emerging Trump Doctrine: The Defense of the West and Judeo-Christian Civilization

Watching Donald Trump speak in Warsaw today, in the shadow of that city’s memorial to the gallantly doomed Polish resistance heroes of World War Two, Virgil thought of another Western leader of indomitable resolve: Winston Churchill. Like Churchill, Trump made clear that we will not only stand up for our Judeo-Christian civilization; we will also, if need be, fight for it.


EXCLUSIVE – Geert Wilders: Stopping Islamic Immigration Is a Matter of Survival

In April last year, the renowned nonpartisan Pew Research Center released a report on the future growth of world religions. The content was shocking. The report states that, if current trends continue, Islam will almost equal Christianity by 2050. While the world’s population is expected to rise by 35% until the middle of this century, Islam will grow with a staggering 73%.

Getty Images

Why Western Civilization Has Lost Its Self-Confidence

At every turn, it seems, the weak and uncertain leadership of the West is submitting to the strength and evil certainty of radical Islam, of which Winston Churchill warned more than a century ago “no stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” History shows that strength attracts followers. The latest example that confirms this maxim is the recent report that the Islamic terrorists at ISIS are actively planning to increase their attacks on innocent civilians in the West, in an attempt to provoke one final, huge decisive battle.
