War on Terror - Page 8

Reliving 9/11 for The First Time

Watching all the network specials and tributes to 9/11 proved something very powerful to me: I’ll never be “over it.” I thought I was. I thought I could look back on the event more objectively and easily critique the errors

Libya: Proof that PC-Progressives Lack Core Values

Unprecedented is putting it mildly. A strong ally in the global war on terror, Libya’s former strongman, Moammar al-Gaddafi, renounced his weapons of mass destruction program after he saw America’s resolve and military power in Afghanistan and Iraq. He surrendered

Ethical Oil And The Saudis

The US Centers for Disease Control provides a simple web-based, illustrated guide to disease-causing tick removal which offers this sage advice: If you find a tick attached to your skin, there’s no need to panic. There are several tick removal

Saudi Arabia's Perception Of America

Ten years after 9-11, counterterrorist and intelligence operatives along with several policy makers flooded the media with their thoughts about America’s longest war. These persons are truly prominent in their fields and deserving of such thoughts and perceptions. However, very

The War America Fights is Far From Won

Ten years ago, in the shadow of the crater at Ground Zero, the smoldering Pentagon and a field of honor in Pennsylvania, America found itself at war. Today, a decade on, America is still at war. Ten years after the

9/11: Past, Present, And Future

On the same day we heard reports that the Obama Administration wants to draw down troop levels in Iraq from 45,000 to a dangerously low 3,000 by the end of the year, the Washington Post published an article titled “Al-Qaeda

Why We're Still Losing the War on Terror

[audio: http://newledger.com/podcasts/CoffeeandMarkets082411.mp3] Download Podcast | iTunes | Podcast Feed On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Pejman Yousefzadeh and Kevin Holtsberry are joined by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross to talk about his book Bin Laden’s Legacy: Why We’re Still Losing the War

Something Is Missing in MSM Coverage of War Opposition

The Portuguese language has a word, saudade, which which describes “a deep emotional state of nostalgic longing for something or someone … A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as

Catherine Herridge: America's Terrorists

Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio, Fox News Foreign Correspondent Catherine Herridge, author of the new book, The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda’s American Recruits, joins Frank to bring us up to date on the war

Mark Helprin: Fighting America's Enemies

Mark Helprin, writer, novelist and pundit, joins Frank for a full hour to discuss the most pressing national security issues of the day, from terrorism, Afghanistan, Iran, China, to the defense budget. Helprin, former adviser on Defense and Foreign Relations

America: The Land Without Justice

There was a time when citizens of this nation truly believed that the words founded within our Pledge of Allegiance meant something– words like “One nation, under God, with liberty, and Justice for all.” Claiming America remains as one nation,

Reversing the Downward Trend of National Security Journalism

National Security reporting saw a long lull during the Clinton ‘peace dividend’ and relatively stable period of international affairs during the 1990s. Since the demand for foreign reporters dropped, so did the availability of education for these journalists. After the

Reversing the Downward Trend of National Security Journalism

National Security reporting saw a long lull during the Clinton ‘peace dividend’ and relatively stable period of international affairs during the 1990s. Since the demand for foreign reporters dropped, so did the availability of education for these journalists. After the

A Memorial Day Wish

This Memorial Day is one of extreme significance for me. It’s more than complicated solely for the fact that I have lost friends of mine fighting in today’s war on terror. With that, it is also my birthday–a time to