War on Terror - Page 5

Not a Coup but a Revolution

During the 2011 Egyptian revolution Obama showed full support for ‘democracy’ by supporting the protests to overthrow Mubarak. Now we see the largest mass demonstration in human history and it seems Obama has changed his position on standing for democracy.

Not a Coup but a Revolution

CNN: Obama Approval/Trust Ratings Take Big Hit

Over the course of just one month, President Obama’s approval rating in the CNN/ORC poll has dropped a full eight points to 45%-his lowest rating in eighteen months. His disapproval rating climbed to 54%. On the all-important issue of trust,

CNN: Obama Approval/Trust Ratings Take Big Hit

Bush More Popular than Obama

In a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday, former-President George W. Bush currently stands with a favorability rating of 49%, compared to 46% who see the 43rd president unfavorably. Meanwhile, another Gallup poll shows President Obama with only a 47% approval

Bush More Popular than Obama

Carney: Obama Not George W. Bush

White House press secretary Jay Carney, responding on Monday to NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s charge that Barack Obama is as bad as George W. Bush was when it comes to invasive procedures conducted through surveillance, said President Obama has “lived

Carney: Obama Not George W. Bush

The government must have its secrets

I feel about government secrecy much the way I did at the outset of the War on Terror, with the provision that like many other people, I was more inclined to err on the side of security in the immediate

Obama Approval Makes 20-Point Negative Swing in 2013

Pundits examining daily poll numbers to gauge the impact of current scandals on President Obama are missing a bigger trend. Even before recent revelations of misconduct by his Administration, Obama’s approval ratings have been declining throughout the year. On Monday,

Obama Approval Makes 20-Point Negative Swing in 2013

The shortest manhunt in history

In response to Priorities, Priorities: NSA Launches Probe into PRISM Leaker: Looks like it won’t take long to find the big NSA leaker: his name’s Edward Snowden, and he’s a disgruntled Obama voter who worked for the CIA and defense

McCain: Boston Bombing Proves Rand Wrong

On CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) ripped into Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) over Paul’s suggestion in 2012 that governmental portrayal of the war on terror battlefield being inside the United States opened the door to violation

McCain: Boston Bombing Proves Rand Wrong

Obama Admin Grabs Millions of Verizon Phone Records

According to a breaking report from the UK Guardian, Barack Obama’s National Security Agency has been collecting phone records of millions of domestic customers of Verizon under a court order obtained in April. The order requires Verizon to turn over

Obama Admin Grabs Millions of Verizon Phone Records

Why Obama Wants a Pre-9/11 World

“For those who still think 9/11 changed everything, a presidency spreading ambiguity about national purpose is unsettling.” – Daniel Henninger, “Obama’s Dangerous Confusion,” Wall Street Journal, May 30 – Charles Krauthammer, “Obama’s Dorothy Doctrine,” Washington Post, May 31 President Barack

Why Obama Wants a Pre-9/11 World

On Memorial Day, Remember Pat Tillman

There has probably never been a greater example of selfless heroism in sports than Pat Tillman, the man who gave up a football career to fight in the War on Terror. After a stellar career at Arizona State, Tillman was

On Memorial Day, Remember Pat Tillman

'Star Trek: Into Darkness' Review

There’s no way to review this movie without spoiling it, so in short: it’s got a few laughs and a couple of good action scenes, but it’s a warp-speed train wreck of bad writing, vastly inferior to its goofy but

Obama Rejects 'Global War On Terror'

President “Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as a boundless ‘global war on terror’ – but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America. In many cases, this

Obama Rejects 'Global War On Terror'

Bill Hambrecht's Connection to UN Boston Terror Apologist Richard Falk

The UN Human Rights Council’s “human rights expert” Richard Falk has been enthusiastically welcomed in certain quarters after his obscene remarks on Boston’s “canaries” and justifiable “resistance” to “the American global domination project.” Monday evening in Beirut, Lebanon, Falk received

Bill Hambrecht's Connection to UN Boston Terror Apologist Richard Falk

GW Bush: Run, Jeb, Run

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Watch More News Videos at ABC | 2012 Presidential Election | Entertainment & Celebrity News ABC News: When George W. Bush saw the news about Boston, his mind immediately turned to organized terrorism–and

GW Bush: Run, Jeb, Run

Is the War On Terror Still Over?

In light of the bombing of the Boston Marathon, is the War on Terror is still over? After all, in August 2009 the Obama administration announced the U.S. was no longer engaged in a “war on terror,” nor was it

Is the War On Terror Still Over?

Uncle Sam’s grasping, slippery fingers

Perhaps inevitably, stories about missed opportunities to detect and either deport the Tsarnaev brothers, or at least keep closer tabs on them, are emerging.  Judicial Watch has been saying for days that the elder scumbag, Tamerlan, could have been deported

The theory of majority-making moments

What if political strategy and tactics are far less important than the current debate about Republican fortunes implies? What if political outcomes are determined by particular media events–and reactions to them? I’ve been kicking around a little theory I’ll call

State Dept. Budget Includes Nearly Half a Billion for Climate Change

The State Department’s $51.6 billion budget for 2013 covers a multitude of things, from the $8.2 billion for the “Overseas Contingency Program”–once called the War on Terror–to the $4.1 billion “in contributions to international organizations.”  Then there’s the $469.5 million

State Dept. Budget Includes Nearly Half a Billion for Climate Change

Say No to Brennan at CIA

I commend the effort by Senators Graham and Inhofe to get answers from the White House about Benghazi before a confirmation vote is held for John Brennan as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Beyond mishandling Benghazi, additional items in

Say No to Brennan at CIA

Medal of Honor: Staff Sgt. Romesha

Reading the story of how Army Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha became the fourth living Medal of Honor recipient from the War on Terror is a bracing reminder that the spirit of valor which won our independence, and threw down the

Righteous power

In response to Nick Gillespie’s brilliant insight about journalists’ hypocrisy on drones: I added a few thoughts about Gillespie’s fine piece here.  (Special guest appearance by Ace, because I thought immediately of something he wrote the other day when I

John Brennan Has Some ‘Splainin’ To Do

Obama’s counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, will be appearingbefore the Senate, Thursday, for his confirmation hearing as the nextCIAdirector. AEI’s Marc Thiessen has provided a list of the top ten national security leaks  Brennan needs to explainto the Senate.The curious timing