war on Christmas

Scrooged: Wikipedia Editors Neglect Christmas-Related Articles

Although corporate media who praise Wikipedia as a counter to “fake news” have simultaneously criticized it for perceived gaps in coverage on gender and race, the site also shows a gap in its coverage of Christmas, the most widely-celebrated holiday on Earth other than New Year’s Day. In contrast to the generally under-developed nature of the site’s Christmas content, articles covering video games and the show South Park are generally more developed.

Nativity scene virgin birth

YASMIN ALIBHAI-BROWN: Christmas is Islamophobic!

Christmas is a time where Christians pick on Muslims in the United Kingdon, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown claimed Friday in the International Business Times. Decrying “Muslim panic stories”, Alibhai-Brown wrote: Every year, in the lead up to Christmas, tabloids run turkey (that is, dumb

A bauble emblazoned with Merry Christmas hangs from a Christmas tree on display inside an