Voter ID - Page 6

Ballot Integrity, the Rule Of Law, and Jeb Bush’s ‘Hispanic’ Check Box

The race/ethnicity section of the form was optional, and conveyed no benefit to the registrant – there was nothing for Bush to gain by deliberately misrepresenting himself as Hispanic, even if it could be proven that he did this intentionally. There wasn’t any political benefit to doing so, either, and there is no evidence that Bush ever sought to (absurdly) turn his “Hispanic” voter registration into a political asset, since the form lay dormant in the archives until surfacing this week.

J Pat CarterAP

Voter ID: Supreme Court Hands Scott Walker Another Win

Along with the many other reforms Republican Governor Scott Walker has successfully delivered n Wisconsin, just as his potential Republican rival Sen. Ted Cruz announced his campaign for the presidency, the Supreme Court of the United States added another significant

Gage Skidmore / Flickr