Utah - Page 10

Satanic Temple Promoting ‘After School Satan’ in Utah

A club to worship Satan may be coming to a Utah elementary school, KUTV reports. The Satanic Temple is seeking equal treatment as Good News Clubs, which is a group that teaches Christianity in an after school program. Granite School District may have


More States Move to End Federal Flow of Funds to Planned Parenthood

Despite the Obama administration’s threat against terminating federal funding of Planned Parenthood, more states are cutting Medicaid funds to the nation’s largest abortion provider following videos that have exposed top medical directors of the organization engaged in the harvesting of body parts of aborted babies for potential sale to biomedical companies.

Plsnned Parenthood

EPA Causes Massive Hazardous Spill in West

The timing of the dangerous spill caused by the EPA, one that would quite possibly result in criminal charges had it been caused by a private firm, is not good for the EPA. Last week, the agency finalized a carbon dioxide emission regulation for coal power plants that at least 16 states are already challenging in court, claiming it is both draconian and not based on any statutory authority.

People kayaking in the Animas River near Durango, Colo., last Thursday, in water colored f