FACT CHECK: Andrew Cuomo Claims New York ‘Was on its Own’, Without Help During Coronavirus
Andrew Cuomo was fact-checked for telling the public New York was alone in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus despite getting aid from Donald Trump.

Andrew Cuomo was fact-checked for telling the public New York was alone in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus despite getting aid from Donald Trump.
However, the ship — even after it began taking COVID-19 patients in early April, remained largely unused — while nursing homes accepted COVID-19 positive residents under New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s order.
A $21 million field hospital in Brooklyn, New York, authorized by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic opened and closed without seeing any patients.
The USNS Mercy, a 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship sent to Los Angeles to help take pressure off hospitals — which officials predicted would be overrun by novel coronavirus patients — is departing on Friday after treating just 77 patients.
First responders saluted the USNS Comfort on Thursday as it departed New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the Chinese coronavirus, after just 182 patients were treated on board.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo suggested Monday that “money” was partly to blame for nursing homes failing to turn away coronavirus patients that they could not care for — after a state directive requiring them to take those patients.
Coronavirus patients at a Brooklyn nursing home were denied admission to both of the federal medical facilities established in New York.
USNS Comfort, the Navy hospital ship that docked in New York Harbor earlier this month to provide relief to hospitals overrun by an influx of Chinese coronavirus patients, is ready to return to its Virginia home port.
“It is a big ship. It is set for Covid and we are going to, hopefully — it will be very helpful to both states,” Trump said, revealing that he spoke to both governor Murphy and Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The USNS Comfort, the Navy hospital ship that docked in New York Harbor this week as part of a greater effort to relieve hospitals overrun by an influx of coronavirus patients, only had 20 patients aboard as of Thursday evening.
Facebook user Kyle Brown shared a beautiful photo of a man raising the American flag in salute to the USNS Comfort as it departed Norfolk, Virginia, on Saturday.
Individuals in New York City disregarded the repeated orders to practice proper social distancing on Monday as a crowd formed to witness the arrival of the Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort.
In the space of 48-hours the U.S. death toll from the Chinese cornonavirus pandemic passed 2,000 late Saturday, figures confirm.
President Donald Trump is traveling to Norfolk, Virginia, on Saturday to say bon voyage to USNS Comfort, the U.S. navy hospital ship departing for New York City to aid in the city’s response to the coronavirus.
The U.S. Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort will arrive alongside New York City as early as next week, Navy officials said Thursday.
New Hampshire congressional candidate and Navy Reserve Capt. Lynne Blankenbeker is deploying in the fight against the coronavirus.
The Navy is deploying two hospital ships to treat non-coronavirus patients to help alleviate a potential strain on civilian hospitals.
The Pentagon said it was deploying its two hospital ships at the direction of the president to assist with the nation’s coronavirus response.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis recently criticized Venezuela’s socialist President Nicolas Maduro as a “despot” who will ultimately “have to go” but indicated the U.S. would not use military force to make it happen.