Chicago Mulls Testing ‘Universal Basic Income’ Program
Chicago could be the largest city in the U.S. to pilot a universal basic income program if the city council gets its way.

Chicago could be the largest city in the U.S. to pilot a universal basic income program if the city council gets its way.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk stated via Twitter recently that universal basic income will become “necessary” if many jobs performed by human workers become automated.
Finland’s much-celebrated experiment in rolling out Universal Basic Income (UBI), a proposed replacement for out-of-work benefits in post-industrial nations where all citizens are paid by the government regardless of their income, is to end as the local government seeks other
Facebook co-Founder Chris Hughes said in a recent interview that the modern digital economy is “going to continue to destroy work” in America.
Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield has joined Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Tesla CEO Elon Musk in endorsing a universal basic income proposal, which would guarantee a minimum cash handout to all Americans.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has stated his dedication to the concept of universal basic income following his recent trip to Alaska where residents receive a yearly government dividend.
Silicon Valley elites continue to push for a universal basic income in America that would give all citizens a guaranteed annual income from the government.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg closed his commencement speech at Harvard this week by discussing the need to “modernize democracy” and calling for universal basic income in America.
Finland is launching a “radical experiment” to see if a simple monthly payment can replace the nation’s ever-expanding tangle of welfare programs.
Elon Musk believes we’re headed toward a future of near-complete automation, and with it, a universal wage for the millions left jobless by robotic replacement.