BBC Declines to Respond to Allegations Its Own Disinformation Factcheckers Are… Spreading Disinformation
The BBC has failed to respond to allegations of spreading fake news through its new disinformation division’s flagship podcast.

The BBC has failed to respond to allegations of spreading fake news through its new disinformation division’s flagship podcast.
Nigel Farage has threatened a return to politics over Boris Johnson’s handling of the migrant crisis in the English Channel.
France should commit to a three to five-year moratorium on immigration in light of problems such as terrorism, the European Union’s former chief Brexit negotiator has said.
Brexit leader Nigel Farage has told disheartened American conservatives, “don’t get mad, get even” as he prepares to hit the grassroots campaign trail to re-energise the right next week.
A BBC presenter said she felt “haunted” by complaints that the broadcaster was “building up” UKIP and its then-leader Nigel Farage in the early 2010s.
Nigel Farage announced on Saturday night that he would be stepping away from electoral politics and standing down as the leader of the Reform UK party, but vowed to continue his fights against the increasing influence of Communist China in Britain and the woke agenda sweeping the West.
Two Tory peers intervened in the Brexit treaty debate to express gratitude to a giant of the Eurosceptic movement, Nigel Farage.
London must end its policy of politically correct policing to fight knife crime, David Kurten has said as he announces his run for mayor.
The rise of the anti-globalist populist and sovereigntist movement has largely defined the past decade in Europe, from the Brexit vote to the emergence of new political parties across the continent.
Nigel Farage has registered a new party, the Reform Party, should Boris Johnson take the UK out of the European Union under his proposed withdrawal agreement, which Farage says will plunge the country “back in crisis by June”.
Carl Benjamin said social media companies should go through a legal process before they can ban accounts.
Carl Benjamin, the YouTube star and UKIP candidate in the upcoming European Parliamentary Elections in Britain sat down for an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, discussing Brexit, feminism, and social media censorship.
Carl Benjamin, the YouTube star and UKIP candidate in the upcoming European Parliamentary Elections in Britain sat down for an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.
Here are the three things which have most shocked and disgusted (though not surprised) me about the European Elections.
This week I caught up with the Brexit Party on the EU elections campaign trail and was hugely impressed by the Blitzkrieg operation I saw.
The Brexit party worked to cement its position in the future of British political life Wednesday when it revealed plans to create a group of members in the devolved regional parliament that governs Wales.
Tommy Robinson is to stand trial again for contempt of court. This is the same offence for which he has already spent a considerable amount of time in prison, most of it in solitary confinement for his own safety.
The establishment parties have taken major losses in local elections in England, with both the Conservatives and Labour losing council seats while the Liberal Democrats and independents have gained seats in the hundreds.
If there’s one lesson above all to be learned from the populist revolutions now sweeping away the old liberal-leftist elites it’s that you must never, ever, EVER back down when the left tries to smear you as racist / misogynist / homophobic / Islamophobic / transphobic / sexist or whatever.
The Brexit Party, which only officially launched last weekend has already surged past the two main legacy parties in a new poll and is now rated as the lead party in voting intentions for the May European Union elections.
UKIP leader Gerard Batten has said Europeans will have a choice between voting to give up more control to the EU and voting to “return democratic powers to the nation state.”
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said EU elections will mark the beginning of a new era in British politics and told MEPs in the European Parliament, “I’m coming back. In fact, lots and lots of us are coming back.”
Two polls reveal UKIP and The Brexit Party hold a combined 25 to 29 per cent of Britons’ voting intentions ahead of European Parliament elections, while the establishment Labour and Conservative parties are set to “perform poorly,” according to YouGov.
Classical liberal and social commentator Carl Benjamin, known by his YouTube pseudonym Sargon of Akkad, has been selected as a UKIP candidate for next month’s European Parliament elections.
Establishment news website Politico has ranked Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage as the top two MEPs who mattered in 2014 to 2019.
Tory Brexiteers have reportedly said that they will back Theresa May’s controversial Withdrawal Agreement if she names a date for her departure and hands over the rest of the negotiating process to the next prime minister.
Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has addressed hundreds of Leave supporters on the March for Brexit from Sunderland to London, reminding them that “we are the majority”.
Tommy Robinson has announced that he wants to stand for parliament — either in Brussels, as an MEP, if Brexit fails, or in Westminster.
Facebook has banned Tommy Robinson, along with a wide range of prominent UKIP members and anti-establishment media, just days after he released a documentary alleging cooperation between the purportedly neutral, state-funded BBC and the far-left organization Hope not Hate.
A British teenager claims he has been suspended from university for describing halal slaughter as “inhumane” and saying immigrants should not be allowed to use the National Health Service (NHS) for free, and cannot return unless he signs a conduct agreement and undertakes diversity training.
Theresa May has told members of the UK Parliament that “we all need to hold our nerve” with the European Union while alluding to the Brexit delay which several of her inner circle of senior ministers have referred in recent weeks.
The parliamentary tussle between supporters of Theresa May’s deal with the EU, supporters of a second referendum, and advocates of a fresh General Election is “the political establishment fighting over their preferred method of stopping Brexit”, according to UKIP leader Gerard Batten.
Prime Minister Theresa May’s “worst deal in history” with the European Union has suffered another blow as polling reveals her party membership would prefer to leave the bloc with no deal at all.
Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has demanded the Government “stands up to the EU and to France” to bring the Channel migrant crisis under control
Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has told Breitbart News that Donald Trump is a believer in Brexit, that the EU is starting a new Cold War with America, and that he is rebuilding his People’s Army to fight another Brexit referendum.
Brexit campaign leader Nigel Farage has said that Britain’s historic vote to Leave the European Union would not have happened without Breitbart, and warned that the next “great battle” is against Facebook Google, and the other tech giants attempting to stifle alternative voices.
Anti-Brexit counter-protesters were arrested for assault and offensive weapon possession at a UKIP march against Theresa May’s “worst deal in history” with the EU on December 9th.
“Marrakech C’est Non!” says one of the banners wielded by the Gilets Jaunes at the protests in Paris this weekend: “No to Marrakesh!”
Nigel Farage has confirmed he is planning to launch a new political force to save Brexit, vowing he “won’t lie down” as the political establishment tries to overturn the referendum result.
Brexit leader and President Trump confidant Nigel Farage has announced he is leaving the UK Independence Party (UKIP), the British political force he led on-and-off for nearly a decade over decisions by its new leader Gerrard Batten.