U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit - Page 3

Exclusive – Kobach: Opponents of Immigration Enforcement Flood the Courts with Baseless Lawsuits

Last week, the City of San Jose, California, filed a lawsuit against President Trump and his acting secretary of homeland security, in an attempt to stop the Trump Administration from rescinding President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty known as “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (or “DACA”). The case joins four similar lawsuits filed by the Board of Regents of the University of California, by the States of California, Minnesota, and Maine, by Santa Clara County, and by six DACA recipients living in California.


California Cities Sue Oil Companies over Climate Change

City attorneys in San Francisco and Oakland, California, sued five oil companies in two coordinated lawsuits on Tuesday, arguing that the courts should hold these companies responsible for climate change, and force them to financially compensate the cities for harm the plaintiffs claim those companies are causing to the planet’s environment.

american worker

Full SCOTUS Keeps Trump Travel Ban in Place Till October

At least four more Supreme Court Justices signed on to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s stay of the Ninth and Fourth Circuits Tuesday, keeping President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from six Muslim-majority countries in place until the final case is heard this October.

The Associated Press

SCOTUS Again Reins in Ninth Circuit on Travel Ban

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kenndy stepped into the fracas over President Donald Trump’s executive order travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries once again Monday, staying an injunction from the United States Courts of Appeals for the Ninth and Fourth Circuits at the request of the Department of Justice.

AP Photo

Sanctuary City Funding Fight Likely Destined for Supreme Court

Lawsuits by Chicago and California against President Donald Trump’s sanctuary city executive order and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ federal funding conditions are almost certain to end up at the Supreme Court within two years, raising profound constitutional questions about immigration, state sovereignty, and the rule of law.


Several States Sue Trump Over New Immigration Executive Order

Four Democrat-led states are currently suing President Donald Trump over Executive Order 13780, temporarily restricting immigration from seven terror-prone nations, and that number of states will likely grow in the next few days. At least one of these legal challenges appears headed for the Supreme Court.

Arabic Sign You're Fired AP:Jose Luis Magana

Ted Cruz at CPAC Creates Buzz of Next SCOTUS Pick

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—Calling Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) “one of the leading constitutionalists” in America, conservative giant Mark Levin engaged the prominent Texan senator at CPAC on Thursday in a wide-ranging conversation covering the Constitution, immigration, and the Second Amendment. Many CPAC-goers are wondering if Cruz might be President Trump’s next pick for the Supreme Court.

The Associated Press

All Options on the Table for Immigration Executive Order Case

President Donald Trump and his team are weighing their options in the legal challenge to his executive order (EO) regarding foreigners from seven terror-prone nations in the aftermath of an adverse appellate ruling: considering taking the case up to the Supreme Court, taking it back down to the trial court, keeping it at the appeals court for a rehearing, or issuing a new EO.

Trump Considers His Options AP