Turkey - Page 20

Airstrike Hits Kurdish Resort as Turkey Continues Invasion of Iraq

Drone strikes of unconfirmed origin killed at least six people in Sulaimani province, northern Iraq, on Thursday, including multiple children. The strike, reportedly targeting members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), occurred near what the Kurdish outlet Rudaw described as a “village resort” popular with families.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan deliver a speech at an event in Ankara, Turkey, Th

Egypt Threatens Invasion of Libya to Stop Turkey

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi said this week that his government desires peace and stability in neighboring Libya, but might be prepared to intervene with military force to protect Egypt’s western border and thwart the ambitions of Turkey and its militia allies.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi speaks at a press conference with German Chancello

Eight Villages Evacuated as Turkey Attacks PKK Kurds in Iraq

Eight villages near the border of Iraq’s Kurdistan region have been emptied as residents flee a Turkish military offensive called “Operation Claw-Tiger” directed at positions allegedly held by the PKK, the Kurdish separatist party that has long been engaged in hostilities with the Turkish government.

Iraqi security forces and Popular Mobilization Forces patrol in Tuz Khormato, that was eva