Trans Pacific Parntership

Stephen Miller: Working People Rally Behind Trump Against the Establishment’s ‘Infrastructure of Betrayal’

Stephen Miller, a senior policy advisor for Donald Trump, spoke with host Stephen K. Bannon on Friday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily about the upcoming Wisconsin primary, where Trump’s rival Senator Ted Cruz is widely seen as surging to a comfortable lead. Miller accused Cruz of misleading voters on some of Trump’s big issues, such as free trade, and said Trump is fighting against a massive effort by the Republican Establishment to shoot down their own front-runner.


Jeff Sessions Challenges Obama, GOP Leaders: Hold Vote Now on Obamatrade

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) released a statement warning against the possibility that a lame-duck session could be used to pass President Obama’s “deeply unpopular 5,554 page Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Sessions wants to eliminate the fast-track authority granted to Obama by Congress earlier this year that is “being used to create this new, binding international union.”
