Swedish Police Authorise Burning of Bible, Torah Outside Israeli Embassy
Stockholm police said they have authorized a protest to burn the Bible and Torah outside the Israeli Embassy in the Swedish capital.
Stockholm police said they have authorized a protest to burn the Bible and Torah outside the Israeli Embassy in the Swedish capital.
RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s National Museum said Wednesday that centuries-old Torah scrolls, considered to be some of Judaism’s oldest documents, had been moved before a massive fire ravaged the place and gutted much of the largest collections of national history artifacts in Latin America.
It is not for me to say why Roseanne sent the tweet or what was in her heart. It is for me to say that Roseanne seeks to repent and make amends.
Conservative champion Dennis Prager made a powerful case for the compatibility of faith and reason Wednesday, insisting that God is the creator of reason and expects humans to use it.
Sheets of a Torah scroll used around the time of the Holocaust in a Polish city were returned to Jewish hands this week.
Two ancient Torah scrolls, along with numerous other artifacts, have been seized from smugglers by Turkish authorities during the past several weeks.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu of ignorance about history and the Jewish faith on Tuesday after he said ancient Persian rulers tried to destroy the Jews.
Over 15,000 Muslims gathered in the parking lot of Angel Stadium on Monday morning to celebrate Eid al-Adha (the “Sacrifice Feast”), the second of two major Islamic holidays that occurs during the time of the annual hajj pilgrimage.
TEL AVIV – Jews are plotting to convert the entire world – including, if it exists, life on extraterrestrial planets – and are behind all the terror attacks in Europe, a Jordanian journalist claimed in series of anti-Semitic articles published in the country’s Muslim Brotherhood publication, Al-Sabil.
TEL AVIV – Thousands of yeshiva (Jewish seminary) students have had their army exemptions revoked when IDF investigators discovered that they had been partying and engaged in other activities usually associated with secular lifestyles.
Thousands of Jews, religious, secular and ultra-Orthodox as well as non-Jewish tourists, gathered on Monday morning at the Western Wall to participate in the traditional priestly blessing during the chol hamoed period of the festival of Passover.
TEL AVIV – MK Stav Shaffir is being ridiculed on social media for attempting to educate Minister of Education Naftali Bennett by claiming that Jews originally hail from Egypt. Bennett, the leader of the Jewish Home party, tweeted plans to celebrate
France’s chief rabbi was among Jewish leaders who rejected a call for men and boys to stop wearing skullcaps, after a string of anti-Semitic attacks in the southern city of Marseille. Zvi Ammar, the leader of Marseille’s Jewish community, earlier
TEL AVIV – A new Torah scroll written in honor of the 72 IDF soldiers who were killed during Operation Protective Edge was dedicated in Tel Aviv on Sunday night. The Torah was donated to the North Central Synagogue which
The Times of Israel reports: In a first for Germany, and perhaps the world, a Muslim wrote one of the Hebrew letters in a new Torah scroll. On November 29, the small Jewish community of Marburg, Germany celebrated the completion
JERUSALEM – An Israeli winemaker is turning a nearly extinct variety of grape into wine that was last consumed in the era of the bible, ISRAEL21c reported. Using 3D and DNA analysis, Marawi grapes were found to be the same
A Saudi man living in the kingdom’s capital city Riyadh beat his seven-year-old daughter to death with an air conditioning hose in a fit of rage. Her crime was telling him she did not love him.