top secret

Total Vetting Fail: Left-Wing Snowden Fan Girl Reality Winner Gets Access to Our NSA Secrets

It reads like something out of a screwball comedy: a far-left activist named “Reality Leigh Winner” somehow received clearance to work for the National Security Agency, which she allegedly proceeded to rob of classified material in the name of the kookburger anti-Trump “Resistance.” In the post-Edward Snowden era, how does someone like this get anywhere near sensitive data?

Reality Winner

State Department Spox: We’re Not ‘Lax’ with Information, No Comment on FBI’s ‘Extremely Careless’ Clinton Conclusions

The State Department continues to hold off on administrative evaluation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of sensitive information. During a Tuesday press conference, Spokesman John Kirby repeatedly asserted that the department is not “lax” with classified information but would not weigh in on the FBI’s determination that “there is evidence of potential violations” by Clinton.

Kirby 2 CSPAN

Federal Judge Orders State Dept. to Release More Clinton Emails

A notably irritated U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras is rejecting the State Department’s attempt to delay production of the remaining Hillary Clinton emails. Thursday found the judge ordering State to release four more batches of emails on February 13, 19, 26, and 29.

Associated Press

House Oversight Probe May Include Hillary Clinton Emails

Sources tell Politico that House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) plans to proceed with an investigation into federal record-keeping practices, with the blessing of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)… provided the probe proceeds with “caution” when it hits Hillary Clinton’s email server.

DERRY, NH - FEBRUARY 03: Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during

Hillary Clinton’s Online Backup Service Was Concerned About Security Gaps

Not only has Datto surrendered equipment to the FBI, but they’ve also stated that they warned Hillary Clinton’s computer company, Platte River Networks, that her server was vulnerable to hackers… and they say their warnings were disregarded, because FBI investigators ordered that the system should not be altered in any way.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks about gun control during her camp

FBI Seizes State Department Servers In Clinton Investigation

The FBI seized four servers from the State Department building a few weeks ago as part of the investigation into classified material improperly stored on Hillary Clinton’s secret email server, particularly the Top Secret documents that have been discovered in her email trove.

email server

State Dept. Worried About Clinton Aides Accessing Top-Secret Intel on PDAs

The Hillary Clinton era was a time of much “consternation” for State Department technical staff and security experts, to borrow a word used in today’s Politico article about Clinton aides pushing for the ability to view secret and top-secret material on their personal electronic devices. Just imagine what’s in the 30,000-plus emails Clinton deleted before investigators, Congress, and the American people could see them, if the stuff she eventually decided to hand over is this alarming and embarrassing.

hillary clinton server wipe

Clinton’s Computer Company: Loft Apartment With Servers Stuffed In a Bathroom

Former employees point out that Platte River did nothing wrong by accepting the work from Clinton, which they tried to keep quiet, and handled to the best of their ability. It was Hillary Clinton’s legal responsibility to ensure that classified information was properly handled; given that she’s been lying about it for so long to everyone else, it’s quite possible that she never told Platte River about it.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s Computer Company Wasn’t Cleared for Classified Material

As the Hillary Clinton email scandal turns into a mushroom cloud, with new names popping into the chain of custody for her electronic communications every day, one of the lingering questions is whether any of these people were actually cleared to handle the sensitive, classified, and Top Secret information Clinton recklessly exposed.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Attends Meetings With Legislators On Capitol Hill

60 Classified Emails on Hillary Clinton’s Server, and Still Counting

It will make months to examine everything Clinton handed over – not least because she provided the messages on paper, although now that the discovery of Top Secret material finally prompted the FBI to seize the thumb drive she gave her lawyer David Kendall, perhaps a speedier review will be possible.

Hillary Clinton Discusses Economic Plan At New Hampshire Campaign Events

Hillary Clinton’s Top-Secret Emails Discussed Drone Strikes

Needless to say, no one as irresponsible, arrogant, and untrustworthy as Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be should be permitted anywhere near classified information ever again, especially given the patently false story her campaign drones are still pushing that she did all this for the mere “convenience” of not carrying two portable email devices.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns In New Hampshire

Email Probe Includes Hillary Clinton Top Aide Huma Abedin

This is one of the most famous women in Washington – once a celebrated rising star, groomed to be Hillary’s Mini-Me, a duchess in the Clinton royal court, subject of a hundred fawning profiles in political and pop-culture magazines – and the Obama Administration claims it could not successfully send her a letter.


Is Hillary’s Long-Delayed Server Surrender a Head Fake?

As for that thumb drive, current reporting suggests it contains only the 30,000 or so emails Hillary Clinton didn’t decide to classify as “personal correspondence” and destroy. Up until a few days ago, Clinton World assured us her lawyer David Kendall was also a super-spy with all the security clearances necessary to handle the former Secretary of State’s email.

hillary clinton sunglasses blackberry Kevin Lamarque AP