Thomas Mulcair

Canada’s Left Pressures Conservatives to Take In More Migrants

Following the viral spread of images depicting the bodies of drowned Syrians on a Turkish beach–including a three-year-old boy named Alan Kurdi–the Canadian left has sprung to attention to decry what they describe as the Conservative government’s inaction towards assisting migrants and war refugees.

migrant children

Canadian Socialists Propose Possible Ban On Handguns

The socialist NDP’s 2015 “Policy Book” contains a proposal to “enable all municipalities, provinces, and territories to implement a ban on handguns.” This follows many times its leader Thomas Mulcair has called for a registration of all firearms via a “gun registry,” ostensibly in the interests of public safety.


Former Legislator: Ban Political Ads from Canadian TV, Radio

A former Canadian Liberal legislator is calling for a permanent ban on political television and radio ads in Canada, citing the status quo of restrictions on political messaging in Britain as his model. In Britain, John Milloy says, “major political parties” are each apportioned an equal amount of time by on government-licensed television stations to make their pitches.


Alberta Oil Companies Hemorrhage Cash After NDP Tax Hike

President Obama is not alone in wielding governmental power to clamp down on carbon-emitting energy. While he weaponizes the Environmental Protection Agency to take on coal-powered energy, potentially shutting down hundreds of coal-fired power plants, Alberta’s new socialist NDP government is pushing ostensibly environmentally-minded policies against oil on shared premises of combating “climate change.”

The Suncor refinery in Edmonton, Canada seen here on June 17, 2015, has a capacity of refi