the united west

Trento: Three Reasons Why Christians Must Vote

(THE UNITED WEST)  In this new video from the United West, Tom Trento lays out why Christians must vote in the upcoming presidential election. Remarks as follows: Look, this 2016 Presidential election is a tough one for serious evangelical Christians.

Christians for Trump

CAIR to Muslims: Defy Customs Agents

(THE UNITED WEST) The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called on Muslims to openly defy U.S. Customs Agents when questioned on travel from Islamic controlled countries by saying, “None of your Damn Business.” Hassan Shibly (Executive Director CAIR, Florida)

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The United West: Gays Must Die Says U.S. Islamic Scholar

(THE UNITED WEST) The United West investigative team uncovered a story so disturbing Field Sutton of Channel 9 news in Orlando, FL broke the story on their newscast. The Husseini Islamic Center of Sanford, FL invited Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar to speak at their

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The United West: Hillary’s Movie Lie Source Revealed

(THE UNITED WEST) Clare Lopez, former CIA analyst and member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, chronicles how former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created and plotted the video narrative to deflect attention away from the State Department’s illegal gun

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The United West: ‘Jerusalem Jane’ Thrown off Temple Mount

(THE UNITED WEST) Check out this shocking video exposé of the Muslim Temple Mount “fake police” throwing Danish Christian “Jerusalem Jane” Jane Kiel off the Temple Mount because she is accused of recently singing and praying for Israel on the Mount. This is

Jerusalem Jane Thown off Temple Mount

The United West: Savage Jihad in Israel

(THE UNITED WEST) C’mon people, get serious and stop living in a fantasyland. How the hell can there ever be peace with Muslims who teach their kids the kind of insanity seen in this video? Not only is this obscene but

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The United West: Jack Abramoff — Jihad in Israel

(THE UNITED WEST) In this latest episode, Jack Abramoff, a former Washington D.C. lobbyist, discussed the current Islamic jihad activity taking place in Israel. Tune in to see Abramoff’s insightful and direct analysis which focus’ on the failure of America

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The United West: Bad Deal – Rich Ayatollah and Atomic Bombs

(THE UNITED WEST) – Americans have been duped to believe that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a sweet little religious man who spends all his waking hours in monastic prayer. Wrong. This “Supreme” leader is an unstable, psychopathic, Jew-hating, super wealthy theocratic dictator! He

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The United West: Hamas Loves Iran Nuke Deal

(THE UNITED WEST) In the upside-down foreign policy world of President Obama, he is now creating friends between those who have been vicious enemies. Who could have imagined that one of the leaders of the Sunni HAMAS would ever say

Breitbart Marzook

The United West: Boston Jihad Alert 2009

(THE UNITED WEST)  In June 2009, Tom Trento joined a group of counter-jihad activists led by Charles Jacobs and Frank Gaffney to protest the opening of the Roxbury Mosque. The purpose of the protest was to draw national attention to what we understood


Anjem Choudary: Bill O’Reilly Defiles Islam

(THE UNITED WEST)  According to UK Imam Anjem Choudary, Bill O’Reilly has defiled Islam by displaying the image of the Islamic Prophet Isa (Jesus) in his movie and Killing Jesus. Choudary stated, “The depiction of Mohammad, Moses, or Isa requires


Anjem Choudary: Criticize Islam, You Die

The United West’s Tom Trento has an exclusive interview with radical British Imam Anjem Choudey who states that anyone who “insults Islam or Mohamad deserves capitol punishment” including the Pope. Follow The United West on Twitter @TheUnitedWest  
