Judge Rules Texas Courthouse Gun-Free Zone
A Waller County district judge ruled Tuesday that there will be no guns in the courthouse complex.

A Waller County district judge ruled Tuesday that there will be no guns in the courthouse complex.
The Texas Attorney General has fired off a brief in the litigation over the right to bear arms in the Waller County Courthouse complex. AG Ken Paxton urges that “Both the law and sound public policy against the chilling of protected speech demand dismissal of Waller County’s claim. He also urges that the Waller County court is without jurisdiction to determine the issue.
Texas has a “30.06 and 30.07 Information Resource” which lists “Second-Amendment unfriendly” businesses.
HOUSTON, Texas — A pizza restaurant owner in Houston is taking heat for telling gun owners and advocates to “f**k off.”
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Waller County, Texas, over the right to bear arms in the Waller County Courthouse complex. Advocates have protested the County’s actions in preventing lawful carrying pursuant to the protection of a new state law.
HEMPSTEAD, Texas — Second Amendment advocates descended on the Waller County Courthouse to support a fellow Texan who was sued by the County after he served notice on them alleging a violation of Texas gun rights.
HOUSTON, Texas — Texas gun rights activists are converging on the Waller County, Texas, courthouse to protest what they are calling the “tyrannical” actions of the district attorney there. The D.A. sued the founder of Texas Carry, a gun rights organization that sent notices to 76 government entities complaining that officials are violating the law by excluding licensed to carry (LTC) holders. The Second Amendment activists will be engaging in an “open carry protest.”
The founder of a gun rights organization has sent notices to 76 government entities alleging they are violating Texas law by wrongfully excluding LTC (licensed to carry) holders. He is now being sued by one of those counties.
Pro-gun advocates worked throughout the 84th Texas Legislative Session to pass campus and open carry bills. The campus carry law went into effect on August 1, the anniversary of the first mass-shooting in the nation.
The presence of a gun rights group at the Texas State Capitol during President Obama’s visit to the SxSW festival elicited members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense to call for gun violence against the group. Among other incitements to violence, “Just shoot them all,” and “Shoot the a**bags,” they said.
Texans with a “Concealed Handgun License” or the new “License to Carry” can openly carry a handgun in accordance with the new law that went into effect at midnight on Friday. Other new laws expanding protections of law abiding gun owners also went into effect. The Campus Carry law has not yet taken effect.
A woman testifying for Moms Demand Action has been called on the carpet for misleading the Texas Senate in that the tragic killing of her husband by her son resulted from the use of a firearm. In reality, her son killed his father with a pipe wrench and a knife.
Women from Moms Demand Action, an anti-gun organization funded by Michael Bloomberg, lined up at the Texas Capitol this week to hypnotize legislators by reading from a prepared script.
Leaders of open carry groups were confident that House Bill 910 would proceed through the Senate State Affairs committee on Monday; however, leaders of these groups vary as to their confidence of the open carry bill’s eventual passage. The leaders
About two hundred gun rights activists gathered on the south steps of the Texas Capitol to show support for expanding gun rights in Texas on Saturday. While much of the talk was about gun rights, many of the speakers used the word that Governor Greg Abbott used in his State of the State address this week when he said, “Let me briefly follow up on a word I mentioned a moment ago – liberty. In a single word, it encapsulates what this country stands for, what Texas symbolizes. I will expand liberty in Texas by signing a law that makes Texas the 45th state to allow open carry.”