Terrorist attack - Page 2

Temple Mount Terrorist Attack Follows UNESCO Anti-Israel Vote On Jerusalem

TEL AVIV – It cannot be ignored that today’s deadly Palestinian terrorist attack at the Temple Mount comes less than two weeks after the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) passed an anti-Israel resolution declaring Jerusalem’s Old City and its ancient walls to be “occupied” sites and scandalously listed the areas as Palestinian heritage sites.

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - FEBRUARY 16: A Palestinian waves a Palestinian flag as the Dome of the

EXCLUSIVE: American Eyewitness Account of Paris Terrorist Attack

“I was walking down the Champs-Elysee around 9 pm with my wife and three sons, and I stopped to buy a rose for my wife. We were ten feet away from a person dressed in black garb when all of a sudden I heard a sudden burst of shots. It sounded like about 8 bullets,” John Finney, an American from Paintsville, Kentucky, told Breitbart News in an exclusive phone interview.

jack finney family

Donald Trump: ‘Hillary Clinton Can Never Claim to be a Friend of the Gay Community’ While Pouring Refugees into America

“Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views,” Trump stated during his speech Monday morning at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire following the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, which killed roughly 50 people.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at Saint Anselm College Monday, June

Field Poll–Californians Believe Terror Attack ‘Very Likely’

According to a new Field poll taken roughly one month after the December terrorist attack in San Bernardino in which 14 people were massacred and another 20 wounded, 33% of California voters believe it very likely that a terrorist attack will occur in the state in the near future, a 50% increase from 2002, when only 21% felt that way.


Terrorist Attack on L.A. Freeway Is Biggest Fear

Court records from the San Bernardino terrorist attack released last week shed light on a “nightmare” scenario that was plotted and abandoned by Syed Rizwan Farook and his childhood friend Enrique Marquez: namely, to launch a terrorist attack on the often-clogged 91 Freeway using guns and pipe bombs to murder innocent civilians.

The Associated Press

Obama Goes Golfing After Terrorist Attack In Afghanistan Kills Six American Soldiers

While Obama was on the course, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest released a statement in response to the attacks. “We express our deepest condolences to the families of the six U.S. service members killed and to all of those injured in today’s Taliban attack near Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and their loved ones,” the statement read, adding that the United States condemned the “cowardly attack.”

Barack Obama walks on the 18th green of the Mid-Pacific Country Club's golf course De